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eSIM isn't Electric SIM but Embedded Sim

13 Desember 2023   17:47 Diperbarui: 13 Desember 2023   18:43 43
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Gadget. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/ThisIsEngineering

You must be familiar with SIM cards, small objects that are very useful for everyday life. There is no doubt that sim cards play a big role in everyday life, from telephone calls, SMS, WhatsApp, to Zoom meetings and various other platforms that require a sim card. However, now its presence is starting to be replaced by eSIM. What is eSIM? eSIM is an embedded SIM or SIM card that is embedded in a smartphone and cannot be removed. This innovation is a process that presents advantages in the field of more modern design. Apart from that, there are several advantages, such as: saving space, being more durable because there is no risk of dust and water ingress, making activation and deactivation easier, and most importantly the ability to connect to the provider's network easily, without the need to replace the physical card. In this way, using eSIM can be a practical solution for connection and communication needs in this increasingly modern world.

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