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Ahlis Qoidah Noor
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A Man Who is Called a Leader

8 April 2019   19:32 Diperbarui: 8 April 2019   19:44 24
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A man is having a great and hard competition to be a leader in his proud chair. No one will be happy unless he leads the place happily. When he has been chosen by most people means he is ready to serve all the citizens with all deep and wide heart. He is the representative of all people's need, society's hope and netizen's pray. He is the one who handles all the necessities sincerely. He is a free man for all and he is owned by them.

When there are some problems need to be solved, all assistants will be useful by their ideas. When there is some great innovation found, there is no reason to reject. All the parties will be the companions for the sake of the great union. All the opposites will be the balance triangle for the sake of the challenging future. As long as everything is shaped beautifully, as long as all the opinion is formed in such simply great delivering then everything will be alright.

Who is he? I do not know him yet. He could be the chosen one of all people's need. He may be from the unknown but famous among us. He is probably around you and between us. 

He loves the country very much. All the tasks will be his spirit for all to do. Le's welcome him in the appropriate place to stay. Let pray the best on him. Whoever he is, he is the chosen one by God. Allah will determine the best for us. We just wait and see. Until one day we have him as a part of our nation. Love him as he will be the leader of us. 

Keep working in our place to commemorate him. Keep communicating with others pleasantly. We are unity in diversity. Only love makes us great to have a bright future. It is more beautiful to be done than just make it a discourse. 

( Kupersembahkan puisi cinta ini untuk siapapun yang memimpin. Hormatku pada kalian semua. Cita-citaku di pundak kalian . Ihlasku mencintai kalian seperti ihlasku dan rasa bersyukurku menjadi warga negara ini. We love Indonesia . Tetaplah damai Indonesiaku. Kita berasal dari beragam budaya dan  etnis. Kita bersatu untuk negeri yang aman dan damai).

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