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Fz Mohon Tunggu... Buruh - Adventurer

The greatest pleasure in life is doing something that people say you can't do it, believe in yourself and Allah because we're who we chose to be.




A Note to Remember: If Today is My Last Day on The Earth

8 April 2020   21:28 Diperbarui: 8 April 2020   21:43 53
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Bagikan ide kreativitasmu dalam bentuk konten di Kompasiana | Sumber gambar: Freepik

Have you ever asked to yourself how if today is your last day to breath the fresh air?

Have you ever imagined how if tomorrow you are not able to wake up from your comfy sleep?

If today is my last day to stand on this breathtaking view old earth, what will I do?

I will sleep on it well because actually I don't know what should I do if today is my last presence in the world. Should I start by apologizing to everyone? Or should I make an ending letter first to my beloved family? What's the best word that I should write to express my deepest feeling? Should I tell my worries to my closed-friends or is it better to bit my tongue? Then, how about my dreams? Who will continue and struggle to attain it? So many questions of death spin in my head. To be honest, those questions never crossed my mind before.

A God's confidential prerogative authority able to create anxiety and scare in inhabitants' life comes without proper invitation and preparation exactly. Nobody knows what's the exact time when someone doesn't exist again in this life, maybe for limited case, some of populace can guess and estimate it, for instance elder person who has suffered chronic complicated diseases. The death doesn't depend on age, character, gender, social position, environment, wealth, or even a healthy young fit individual enables him/her life to finish earlier.

For every person will surely die someday, it's just the matter of time. Perhaps as juveniles, we assume that we have leeway to do a lot of things and pursue our hope in the future. Adapting much more good life values and becoming a useful person have to be one of major reasons why we still alive now. Don't dismiss our life steps or flee our struggling cause of knowing a certain statement that maybe you will die tomorrow. By contrast, we have to endeavor to always do the best thing as human being like we will live forever and obey God's command. I know it is seemingly like a worn-out aphorism, but it tends to lead us in the right path (I hope so) even though many above questions are not answered yet.

At the end, we do believe that all of us belong to God and verily to Him do we return.

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