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Food Waste Metamorphosis: From Canteen Leftover to Eco-Friendly Liquid Fertilizer, Realizing SDGs 6 and 12 at Universitas Negeri Malang

25 Mei 2024   22:39 Diperbarui: 25 Mei 2024   22:48 41
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Sumber : Dokumentasi Pribadi

Students of the Undergraduate Program in Science Education at Universitas Negeri Malang, fondly known as Team Sza, take an active role in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 6 on Clean Water and Sanitation, and number 12 on Responsible Consumption and Production. As part of the course Population and Environmental Education taught by Dr.rer.nat. Safwatun Nida, S.Si., M.Pd., the students conducted a demonstration and educational activity on processing canteen food waste into eco-friendly liquid fertilizer on May 21, 2024, in front of Building B23 at Universitas Negeri Malang.

This activity became a platform for students to apply the knowledge they have learned and participate in efforts to create a cleaner and more sustainable campus. Through the demonstration, the students showcased the steps of processing canteen food waste into organic liquid fertilizer rich in nutrients for plants. The students expressed their enthusiasm for being involved in this project as it provided an opportunity to apply their acquired knowledge into concrete action.

Sumber : Dokumentasi Pribadi
Sumber : Dokumentasi Pribadi

Sumber : Dokumentasi Pribadi
Sumber : Dokumentasi Pribadi
In addition to the demonstration, Team Sza also provided education to canteen staff on the importance of proper food waste management. They explained the negative impacts that can arise from improperly managed food waste, such as environmental pollution and sanitation issues. Team Sza hoped that this education would increase the canteen staff's understanding of food waste management, enabling them to actively participate in the recycling program.

This activity not only supported the achievement of SDGs 6 and 12 but also provided valuable experience for the students in implementing their knowledge to solve environmental problems firsthand. By involving students and canteen staff, Team Sza hope that Universitas Negeri Malang can raise awareness and participation in efforts to create a cleaner and more sustainable environment. Activities like this are crucial steps in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

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