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Medival/Schoastic Period

10 Desember 2019   10:06 Diperbarui: 10 Desember 2019   10:12 1
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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

Nicolas Cusasus (1401 -- 1464)

He was the most prominent thinker of schoastic times. In his opinion, there are three cars to know, that is through the senses, intellect, and intuition. With the senses we will gain knowledge of the bodies of the body, which are not perfect. By reason we will get abstract forms of understanding based on the dish or the sensory catchment. With intuition, we will get a higher knowledge. It is only with intuition that we will be able to unite what the mind cannot unite. Humans should be aware of the limitations of reason, so many things should be known.

Because of these limitations of reason, few can be known by reason. With this intuition is expected to come to the reality, that is a place in the mans all things form to dissolve, namely God.

This notion of Nicolaus as an attempt to unite the whole medieval thought, made to a more lugs synthesis. This synthesis leads to the future, from this thought to the implied wedding of humanists

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