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Why Fashion Is Important To Our Life

16 November 2022   14:51 Diperbarui: 16 November 2022   14:57 914
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Fashion is a form of self-expression and autonomy in the context of a particular time, place, and clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories, makeup, hairstyles, and posture.The term is defined by the fashion industry as trendy. or fashion is a means of self-expression that allows people to try out many roles in life. It's a means of communication. It used to be a world only for the rich, famous, and kings. But fashion is now within the reach of ordinary people, especially young people. Also, dress fashion is the evolution of an idea that started as a fad, but over time has permeated society as a style associated with dress, behavior, or lifestyle.Fashion is primarily associated with attractiveness. . It gives people confidence and courage. People can express themselves openly. Fashion today is no longer confined to Western countries. Nowadays, the fashion sense of each country is not only expressed in clothes, but also in the lifestyle that is the accent of the country.

Now moving to what's the purpose of fashion, because you're probably wondering "what's the purpose of fashion?" In other words, the purpose of fashion is to give life and presence. I hate it when people get too philosophical about fashion, but it's really true!" "The purpose of fashion is simple:  You need clothes to navigate the world. Fashion as a trend. Forget about and think of fashion and clothing as essentials.

 As fashion evolved, the industry was designed to manage the process for the consumer. The world of fashion is forming a new sector: the "fashion industry".  Fashion industry established to design, manufacture and sell clothing, shoes and accessories. Before the clothing industry was established, people made their own clothes. Mass production of garments began in the mid-1990s when some designers started making garments that didn't require a tailor to try on. The fashion industry began in the 20th century when a neighborhood tailor decided to become a manufacturing company.

In its original form, clothing was designed to meet the basic needs of covering the body, providing warmth or coolness, providing protection, and staying humble, but in much more complex forms.   The discovery of body coverings by the sculptor was the basis for the emergence of modern clothing. Among the simplest human garments was the making of clothing from branches and leaf twigs, as well as the skins and furs of hunted animals.   Clothing has also been used throughout human history to indicate religious views and tendencies, as well as the tendencies of the place. In addition, clothes were used to show people's political, cultural and social values.Evolution has led to the discovery of new raw materials in the textile industry and the desire to develop better products in terms of the structure and function of clothing. 

Fashion is subject to many influences. What clothing looks like depends on location, time period, financial capabilities, personal preferences, occupation, social occasions, gender, and other cultural and personal preferences. Fashion is a very flexible form of self-expression. Even in countries and times where exposure of the skin is limited, you can freely combine colors and designs and dress according to your taste and ability. 

A person's fashion choices can be influenced by certain cultural constraints, celebrities, trends, and what makes them special. , emphasizes planning and building a college wardrobe. I prefer to prepare my clothes a week in advance. Clothes are not bought in stores, but individually tailored to the proportions of the body. Every piece of clothing a person wears is made specifically for him or her. That's what made clothes so expensive, but at least the carbon footprint they left behind was less noticeable. Mass production has ended and consumers are asking others to shed their allegiance to brands that refuse to help protect the environment. Consumers are becoming more conscious of what they buy and are turning to ethical fashion companies, choosing to recycle plastic and unsold clothing into new clothing. is not entirely new. We've been doing this for the past few centuries, and it never stops for whatever reason, because clothing is actually a necessity. In this new landscape that the consumer has carved out for the fashion industry, things are definitely going to turn for the better.

The good side of fashion is that it enriches our lives. It allows you not only to dress fashionably, but also to think independently and maintain your self-esteem. At the same time, fashion has a negative impact on young people. It is so preoccupied with young people's lives that at an age when they need to focus on their studies and other important aspects of their lives, young people become very obsessed with making style statements. It has become a cult among today's generation. They blindly try to imitate models and celebrities without understanding the essence of fashion.      

We have finally arrived at our question, which is why fashion is so important to our lives so much that people always care about it. I guess, fashion and style are as important to men as they are to women. A good sense of fashion and style boosts people's confidence and morale. This allows you to stand out from the crowd and look different from others. Show you. It determines an individual's overall personality and way of life. Wearing the right clothes and color combinations is also important to develop a good sense of fashion and styling. How you dress shows how well you present yourself in public. Fashion and style are very personal to everyone and there are different opinions about them.It varies from person to person. You should feel comfortable in your clothes and be able to wear them well. Fashion is important because it reflects the culture of the country. It makes our lives colorful and changes our lives over time. In a way, it brings variety to your life and gives you the opportunity to try new things. Fashion includes not only clothing and makeup, but accessories in a broader sense, such as shoes, perfumes, hairstyles, manners, etiquette, and lifestyle. Fashion is not only a means of self-expression, it is also a means of self-development and self-confidence. It encompasses the full range of human activities associated with a particular period of time. It's a way of life. Fashion is a way of carrying yourself in society without wearing trendy things. So make sure you look perfect without makeup. It helps in revealing your true identity.      

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