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Kiki Damayanti
Kiki Damayanti Mohon Tunggu... -

I am Teacher in Vocational High School in Lubuk Linggau. My hobby is listening music. I am mad about Fatin Shidqia Lubis.




Don't Lie to Fatin

17 November 2013   14:30 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   05:03 1315
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Before I tell about new song of Fatin Shidqia is "Jangan Kau Bohong (don't You Lie!). So let me explain about what are:

1. Fatin

2. Fatinistic


Now I will explain it one by one, check it out >

1. Fatin Shidqia Lubis

Fatin is a singer who has Indonesian nationality. She is the Winner of X Factor Indonesia first season.

In 2012, Fatin auditioned for the first season of X Factor Indonesia with the song "Grenade", originally sung by Bruno Mars. She amazed the judges in her audition and received a lot of positive feedback among social media users, advancing to the next round. Ahmad Dhani said that he loved her voice, and her audition has since garnered 2.4 million views on YouTube (as of March 2013).

Believe or not, after she sang the song. Many people knew Fatin Shidqia Lubis. Included me, I loved her until now, from the girl wore unifom until she became a famous singer.

Fatin is a girl who didn't like eating fish. She is daughter of Mr. Bahari Lubis and Mrs. Nurseha. She is the first child of Mr. Bahari. Formerly her hobby was sang a song in the bathroom. But now, she usually sings in the stage and many people wait her.

Fatin just has a little dream, she want to make someone be happy when hear her voice. She without thinking wants to be famous singer. I think her plans made her got her success.

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