Mohon tunggu...
Wijaya Kusumah
Wijaya Kusumah Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Guru Blogger Indonesia

Teacher, Motivator, Trainer, Writer, Blogger, Fotografer, Father, Pembicara Seminar, dan Workshop Tingkat Nasional. Sering diminta menjadi pembicara atau nara sumber di bidang ICT,Eduprenership, Learning, dan PTK. Wijaya adalah Guru SMP Labschool Jakarta yang doyan ngeblog di, Wijaya oleh anak didiknya biasa dipanggil "OMJAY". Hatinya telah jatuh cinta dengan kompasiana pada pandangan pertama, sehingga tiada hari tanpa menulis di kompasiana. Kompasiana telah membawanya memiliki hobi menulis yang dulu tak pernah ditekuninya. Pesan Omjay, "Menulislah di blog Kompasiana Sebelum Tidur". HP. 08159155515 email :




Inilah Materi TIK Terbaru

28 Maret 2018   21:59 Diperbarui: 28 Maret 2018   21:58 503
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Kompasiana adalah platform blog. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas.
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

Optional / Advanced Topik
-- pemrogramman Python CLI
+ sequence, loop, branch, pengenalan variabel sampai array, fungsi dan prosedur, dasar-dasar konsep OOP
-- Database lanjutan (RDBMS / normalisasi / web database
-- Pemrogramman HTML II- CSS II- JAVA
-- robotic, LEGO Mindstorm
-- embedded system, arduino
-- 3D design, 3D printing

6. SMK
-- Nama mata pelajaran tetap TKJ, RPL, Simdig
-- harus di fokuskan pada pembuatan produk2 TIK (baik TKJ & RPL)
-- bukan mengajarkan siswa untuk menggunakan TIK

Robotic LEGO MindStorm

Chapter 1: Tomb, Trap, and Trigger
Day 2: King Ixtua Tomb Excavation, 4:42 PM
Tunnel Challenge
Evan's Solution

Chapter 2: ExploroBot: Planning and Design
The ExploroBot
The Robot Description
The Task List
Limitations and Constraints

Chapter 3: ExploroBot: Build It
Never Be Afraid to Experiment
Step by Step
First Section: Infrared Sensor and Neck
Second Section: Bot Body and Motors
Third Section: Rear-Wheel Assembly and Reinforcement Strut
Engineering: Axles as Reinforcements: Strong and Adjustable
Fourth Section: Put It All Together

Chapter 4: ExploroBot: Program It
Some Experience Required
Into the Tunnel
Engineering: Encoders: How Does a Motor "Know" Where It Is?
Out of the Tunnel
What the Degree, Kenneth? (With Apologies to REM)
Engineering: Measuring Actual Motor Rotations from the Brick Screen
Opening the Tomb Door

Chapter 5: String, Pebbles, and Gravity
Day 3: Inside King Ixtua's Tomb, 8:13 AM
More Monkey Business
Vine Challenge
Evan's Solution

Chapter 6: StringBot: Planning
Design and Planning
The StringBot
The Robot Description
The Task List
Limitations and Constraints

Chapter 7: StringBot: Build It
Where to Start?
Step by Step
First Section: Right-Side Motor Assembly with IR Sensor
Second Section: Left-Side Motor Assembly with Guides and Rubber Wheel
Third Section: Carrier and Pebble Release Mechanism
Fourth Section: The Intelligent Brick and Putting It All Together

Chapter 8: StringBot: Program It
Get Familiar with the Blocks
The STOP Block
The SWITCH Block
Getting to the Vase
Above the Vase
Back for More
Testing: Filling the Vase

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  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
Mohon tunggu...

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