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Ruang Kelas

Tips for Save Vacation at the End of Year

30 Desember 2020   20:55 Diperbarui: 6 April 2023   12:03 35
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It doesn't feel like 2020 will soon change to 2021. Usually the end of the year is the right time to vacation with family. Especially on New Year's Eve which is busy with celebrations.

However, due to conditions during this pandemic, all activities that allow interaction with many people are strictly avoided. Even so, apparently there are still a few tricks to keep it year-end holidays.

An important first step is to choose the right tourist spot. Since the Indonesian people are still not allowed to vacation abroad, there are several choices of tourist destinations in the country. There are many recommendations for cities in Indonesia that can be visited, but there are several criteria for choosing tourist attractions in order to maintain security.

1. Avoid areas that are included in the Covid-19 red zone.

During a pandemic period, of course, you are familiar with the terms green, yellow, orange and red zones. The coding or giving of zone colors in various regions in Indonesia is intended to categorize the areas affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Although only as a symbol, the color of this zone is also useful as a special code to determine the number of cases of infection. Thus, we can be more careful and as much as possible avoid traveling in the area.

Based on the official page as of December 25, 2020, there are 60 areas with red zone status, 378 areas with orange zone status, 64 yellow zones, and 12 green zones. Of the 60 red zones, 12 of them are in Central Java and become the province with the most areas with red zone status.

2. Select a tourist destination that applies health protocols.

After paying attention to regional zones, the next step is to choose a tourist destination that applies health protocols. You can monitor it from the travel website or social media account. Make sure to check starting from operating hours, Covid-19 free employee information, restrictions on the number of visitors, cleanliness, and equipment that must be brought.

3. Staycation at the Hotel.

In a pandemic season like this, there is nothing wrong with having a vacation with a stay at a hotel. Currently, there are many hotels that provide facilities and guarantee the best service and ensure the implementation of health protocols. If you're lucky, usually a number of hotels offer attractive promos at the end of the year.

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