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Mahasiswa Program studi Ilmu Komputer UHO



Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Recognition System

24 September 2022   05:41 Diperbarui: 24 September 2022   05:49 132
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Ringkasan Matakuliah sistem Rekognisi 21 September 2022:

Sistem merupakan suatu kumpulan atau himpunan dari suatu unsur, komponen yang terorganisasi saling berinteraksi. ( Sutardi 2012).

Sedangkan rekognisi adalah suatu pengenalan. Rekognisi adalah prestasi non kompetisi yang diraih oleh mahasiswa pada sebuah instansi perguruan tinggi dimana rekognisi diberikan oleh pemeriintah, komunitas.

Proses suatu sistem terdiri dari:

1. Text 

2. Gambar biasa disebut citra digital

3. Voice

Pixel adalah satuan pada citra digital.

Macam-macam Citra :

a. Citra biner

b. Citra Abu-abu

c. Citra berwarna.

Didalam komputer dikenal 3 warna d antaranya:

1. Binner penyusunnya cuma 2 yaitu 0 dan 1

2. Abu-abu dari 0 sampai 255 artinya semakin 0 semakin gelap (hitam) dan 255 semakin putih.

3. Berwarna

Citra means image. While digital itself is a depiction of a state consisting of the numbers 0 and 1. So, a digital image is a representation in a computer of 0 and 1. There are 3 kinds of images, namely gray, colored (white and black) and binary.

Pixel is a digital image unit on a computer that has been digitized. The bigger the pixels, the better the picture.


1. Oil industry (producing gas rock) company ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company) uses computer vision to classify 25,000 stones into every day (classifying good and bad stones). However, it is preceded by scientists, where scientists study 100,000 stones that have value. Then, the characteristics for rock classification are either in the form of a computer algorithm (creating a database for rocks that can become gases).

2. Computer vision revolutionized the process of Knockri, a successful start-up in Canada. Making waves with the AI video soft skills assessment tool, where to measure soft skills and conduct initial assessments to help companies select candidates (create a database for good and bad candidates). Image means image. While digital itself is a depiction of a state consisting of the numbers 0 and 1. So, a digital image is a representation in a computer of 0 and 1. There are 3 kinds of images, namely gray, colored (white and black) and binary.

Pixel is a digital image unit on a computer that has been digitized. The bigger the pixels, the better the picture.


1. Oil industry (producing gas rock) company ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company) uses computer vision to classify 25,000 stones into every day (classifying good and bad stones). However, it is preceded by scientists, where scientists study 100,000 stones that have value. Then, the characteristics for rock classification are either in the form of a computer algorithm (creating a database for rocks that can become gases).

2. Computer vision revolutionized the process of Knockri, a successful start-up in Canada. Making waves with the AI video soft skills assessment tool, where to measure soft skills and conduct initial assessments to help companies select candidates (create a database for good and bad candidates).

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