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Vooya Mohon Tunggu... Konsultan - Experiential Study Tour

Vooya is an Experiential Study Tour program, which provides you an opportunity, to dig deeper your passion and interest, while broadening your knowledge about the world and its customs, at the same time.




"Experiential Journey to LINE HQ"

1 Maret 2018   16:02 Diperbarui: 1 Maret 2018   16:13 546
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Totoro is an iconic forest-spirit character from the academy award for-best-animated movie winner Spirited Away. Photo credit: Vooya

In the first session of this Taiko workshop, the winners got a lecture about the history and philosophy of Taiko. After the lecture, they started learning the basic technique of Taiko. They learned that playing Taiko is not only about power, it requires feeling and concentration in order to produce a harmonic sound while striking the Taiko.

At last, with the Bachi (Taiko stick) on each hand and under the instruction of the trainer, the winners were ready to show their skill on playing Taiko.

Remember the sequence, feel the rhythm, hold the Bachi tightly, make a great harmony. Photo credit: Vooya
Remember the sequence, feel the rhythm, hold the Bachi tightly, make a great harmony. Photo credit: Vooya
Drinking Matcha Tea with Yukata

The next experiential journey menu was Yukata Wearing & Tea Ceremonyon February 13, 2018. In this workshop, the winners learned about the history, philosophy, and how to wear Yukata (a light cotton kimono) properly.

After wearing their Yukata, they moved to the next session of the workshop -- the Japanese tea ceremony. The Way of Tea,another name for Japanese tea ceremony, is considered as a sacred ceremony in Japan. Each winner followed the whole instructions accordingly, from the way on preparing the utensils, how to make the tea, how to pour the tea into the bowl, how to hold the bowl, until the etiquette of drinking the tea.

Enjoying a hot bowl of Matcha tea while wearing Yukata would make an unforgettable memory of a journey in Japan.

Sitting on Tatami in serenity of The Way of Tea. Photo credit: Vooya
Sitting on Tatami in serenity of The Way of Tea. Photo credit: Vooya
 Doing Stock Trading at Tokyo Stock Exchange

 On February 14, the winners were able to feel the atmosphere of a stock market at Tokyo Stock Exchange. During this Finance at Tokyo Stock Exchange workshop, the winners learned about market trend analysis -- monitoring news and predicting the best timing to sell or buy stock.

 In the last session, the winners had the opportunity to conduct a stock trading simulation to experience the vibe of being a stockbroker.

Predicting the perfect timing. Photo credit: Vooya
Predicting the perfect timing. Photo credit: Vooya
 Making Totoro Bento

The winners continued their experiential journey to Washacook, a famous cooking class for foreigners located in Shinjuku specializes in Japanese homemade cuisines.

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