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22 Juni 2018   10:44 Diperbarui: 22 Juni 2018   10:49 1933
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What is apartment efficiency? If you own an apartment or are planning to buy one, you should understand the differences between two key terms -- Semi Gross Area (SGA) and Net Floor Area (NFA). When investing in property, which one matters more? How can I calculate my apartment SGA or NFA value? Key architect of luxury residence The Stature, Archica Danisworo, explained the differences and highlighted what investors should look out for.

Generally, the common value of apartment efficiency is between 15%-20%, thus the nett area that can be enjoyed by apartment owner is only about 80%-85% of semi gross area. So, do not be surprised if you often feel your real apartment unit size does not match the area listed or stated in the brochure. This has also become a challenge for architects and property developers to provide high quality product with high efficiency.

When looking at a property investment, consumers should focus on the NFA value as that is the 'true size' of the apartment that they will enjoy. Understand the apartment e ciency so that you are getting the most value out of your investment.

The Stature, one of Jakarta's most anticipated luxurious apartments developed by CapitaLand and Credo Group, has an efficiency ratio up to 12%, one of the highest in residential developments in Jakarta.

In addition, The Stature also ff ers a wide variety of luxury touches, from smart technology to panoramic views of the city. From its strategic location in Menteng, high ceilings from 3.5 up to 4 metres creating a sense of spaciousness, to amenities such as dual private elevators, in-built water filtration system, high speed fiber optic internet, smart home features, and a 24-hour concierge.

Not to forget green features such a distinctive Green Wall and garden area that makes up to 50% of The Stature's facade. And the most defining element, the view of 80-hectare Jakarta's green area, Monas. Experience truly Effortless Luxury only at The Stature.

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