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Sheyka F
Sheyka F Mohon Tunggu... -

a senior Biology student and a geek in mammalogy and anything scientific.




In a Wonderful Way

31 Desember 2010   15:19 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   10:07 45
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One of my friend once wrote:

I am lonely in a wonderful way. There are a lot of people around me. They have decided just to exist until they die. They laugh about things that aren’t funny, just to laugh, because nothing in their miserable existents gives them a real reason to laugh, to be happy. They tell the same story over and over, because they have no new stories to tell. They talk just to hear their own voice, not because they have something to say. I will never be one of them. I am lonely in a wonderful way.

I don’t know whether this writing fits my current situation or not. I think I’m neither lonely nor alone. I’m here, living this life, with my family and friends. So, I’m not all alone. I don’t care and probably would never care to think whether all, some, or none of my friends wear masks and not being themselves in front of me or not. I always remember what Mom once said, “Don’t ever think twice in doing something good, especially for others. If you get something bad because of it, let it be the most wonderful lesson in your life.”

Nevertheless, I don’t want to talk about word ‘lonely’ at all. For me, it’s obviously relative.

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