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Selvi Laudyananda
Selvi Laudyananda Mohon Tunggu... Freelancer - Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

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In the world of psychologists, of course Internalization (Reflection) is very popular, therefore I will explain the topic so that you can also know what Internalization (Reflection) is.
 For some people, the term internalization sounds quite foreign to the ears, moreover this word rarely appears and is usually found in certain subject matter.  So what is internalization?
 Definition of Internalization
 The notion of internalization is a process of adding value to a person or individual that will shape his mindset in seeing the meaning of the reality of experience.  The meaning of values that color the meaning and attitude of humans towards themselves, the environment, and the reality around them.
 These values can also occur in various aspects, be it religion, culture, social norms, etc.  The meaning of this value is what colors the meaning and attitude of humans towards themselves, the environment and the reality around them.  The occurrence of internalization is very natural in the modern era like today.
 Another definition, internalization is a process of entering norms in society that does not stop only until institutionalization, but these norms are ingrained in the souls of community members.
 Internalization Process
 The internalization process is a process that lasts throughout the life of the individual, starting from birth to the end of his life.  Throughout his life an individual will continue to learn to process all the feelings, desires, passions and emotions that make up his personality.
 The first feelings that are activated in the personality when a baby is born are satisfaction and dissatisfaction, which causes the baby to cry a lot.  Humans have a talent that has been contained in genes to develop various kinds of feelings, desires, passions and emotions in their individual personalities.  However, its form and activation is strongly influenced by various kinds of stimulation in the natural surroundings, social and cultural environment.
 Kinds of Internalization
 The types of internalization in society are as follows:
 1. Internalization in society, the internalization of society starts from the family.  Where all forms of personality that individuals have to live life as social beings are the result of the adoption of life in the family.
 2. Internalization in religion, Religious life cannot be separated from internalization.  As for internalization, religion is the existence of religious study associations, the existence of buildings of places of worship, and so on.
 3. Internalization in education. Internalization of education is a combination of the education system currently implemented with the prevailing education system in a country.  It aims to develop the education system that applies in a country.
 4. Cultural internalization, the occurrence of cultural internalization due to dynamics in cultural elements.  Moreover, the current development of the era is increasingly advanced and modern.
 Interlization View According to Islamic View
 Internalization of Islamic values is a deep process in living the Islamic religious values that are used by a person in carrying out life procedures and regulating relationships with God (habl min Allah), fellow human beings (habl minan-nas), and the natural surroundings.  All of these values are combined with educational values as a whole, and the goal is to integrate into one's personality, so that it becomes a positive behavior.
 Stages and Methods of Internalizing Islamic Values
 1. Value transformation stage.  At this stage the teacher simply informs the students of good and bad values, which is purely verbal communication.
 2. Value transaction stage, which is a stage of value education by means of two-way communication or interaction between students and teachers is reciprocal.  In this stage, students not only present information about good and bad values, but are also involved in implementing and providing examples of real practice, and students are asked to give the same response, namely accepting and practicing those values.
 3. The transinternalization stage, ie this stage is more than just a transaction.  In this stage, the teacher's appearance in front of students is no longer a physical figure, but a mental attitude (personality).  Likewise, students respond to teachers not only their movements or physical appearance, but also their mental attitude and personality.
 Therefore, it can be said that in this internalization is the communication of two personalities, each of which is actively involved.
 So, it is very important to internalize values in schools through teaching the field of Islamic Education (PAI).  Because PAI is value education, so these values can be embedded in students.  With the development that leads to the internalization of the values of Islamic teachings, it is a stage of religious human manifestation.  This is because the challenge of globalization and cultural transformation for students and for humans in general is the functioning of religious moral values.
 At this stage, internalization is pursued with the following steps:
 1. Listening, namely education provides a stimulus to students, and students catch the given stimulus.
 2. Responding, namely students begin to be instilled in understanding and love of certain values so that they have a theoretical background on the value system, are able to provide rational arguments, and furthermore, students can have a high commitment to these values.
 3. Organization, students begin to be trained to regulate their personality system according to existing values.
 4. Characterization, if the personality has been adjusted according to a certain value system, and carried out successively, a personality that is one heart, word, and deed will be formed.
 The internalization technique is in accordance with the objectives of religious education, especially education related to matters of faith, worship, and morals.
 The process of internalizing Islamic values is very important for students to be able to practice and obey religious teachings and values in their lives, so that the goals of Islamic religious education are achieved.  Efforts from the school to be able to internalize Islamic values to students are very important.
 Islamic religious education is value education.  Because it emphasizes more aspects of values, both divine values and human values, which are to be instilled or developed into students so that they can be attached to themselves and become their personalities (being).
 Thus, students are expected to act, move, and be creative with these values.
 The system of Islamic values is a whole order consisting of several components that influence each other and have a unified whole which is oriented towards Islamic values.  So, the value system is comprehensive, unanimous, and integrated.
 Education does not only equip children with religious knowledge, but also concerns the child's entire personal self, starting from daily (amaliah) exercises, which are in accordance with religious teachings, both concerning the relationship between humans and God, humans with humans, humans with nature.  , as well as man with himself.
 Habituation as one of the techniques for internalizing the values of Islamic teachings is formed because of something that is accustomed.  Thus, habits can be interpreted as actions or skills that are continuous, consistent for a long time.  Those actions and skills can really be known and eventually become a habit that is hard to break.  Thus, it is very important to teach Islamic religious education as value education that is instilled from an early age so that the values of Islamic teachings can be internalized in students, which will eventually be able to form an Islamic character.  The values of Islamic teachings that become characters are a good combination (synergistic) in forming quality students.
 As for various examples of internalization in society that are usually easy to find in everyday life, they are as follows;

 1. The inclusion of K-Pop culture in the culture of Indonesian society.
 2. Teach moral behavior to children from an early age.
 3. Use of technology in various industrial sectors to increase production output.
 4. Teach children to always worship God Almighty.
 5. The inclusion of the culture of consuming fast food in the culture of Indonesian society.
 6. The inclusion of westernized culture in Indonesian society, such as the use of jeans, lengthening hair as a hairstyle, and so on.
 7. Instilling a diligent and timely attitude in students from early childhood education.
 8. Participate in recitation activities at the mosque to deepen religious knowledge and increase faith in oneself.
 9. Participate in ospek activities at the beginning of entering campus life, with the aim of knowing and familiarizing yourself with the rules that apply in campus life.
 10. Instilling the habit from an early age respecting those who are older than us.
 This is an explanation of internalization in society in general.  Hopefully this article can add insight, as well as increase knowledge for all readers who are studying and looking for references about 'internalization'.  Thank you.


ACE. (2020). Comprehensive Internationalization Framework. ACE Model for Comprehensive Internationalization
Alim, Muhammad. 2006. Pendidikan Agama Islam UpayaPembentukanPemikirandanKepribadian Muslim. Bandung: RemajaRosdakarya. Retrieved June 14, 2021.

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