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Sarah Ningtyas Rachman
Sarah Ningtyas Rachman Mohon Tunggu... -

i'm a collegian of Economics and Business Faculty , Economics Major of Jenderal Soedirman University 2012.\r\n- RRI 99.0 FM's Announcer in 2014\r\n- English Tutor since 2014\r\n- Vice Project Officer of EFEC NATIONAL TALKSHOW 2014\r\n-EFEC Organizer of Education Department 2014\r\n- Responsible Person of National Economics Event 2013\r\n- HIMESBANG Organizer of Bidang Kajian dan Pendidikan 2013\r\n- Project Officer of BIG DISCUSSION OF JOURNALIST 2013\r\n- Journalist of MEMI UNSOED 2012 \r\n- Basketball Player of FE UNSOED 2012\r\n- Football Player (Keeper) since 2012




Lucy, The Artfoolosophy

22 Desember 2014   15:35 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   14:44 59
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"life was given billion years ago ,what have we done with it?"

The quote has been touched my mind (not my heart) . it truly makes me think what we have really given to the nature, what we have done to appreciate The Creator. Flaw is everywhere. Don't you realize that delivers substantial message? This movie has invited me to think that's why i adore its concept,Lucy is composite between action,philosophy,and (wrong) physiologist or medical science or sci-fi which successfully doctrinates us with sophistry paradigm .  Because i've been interested with such philosophy things, i'm quite steamed-up to think WHAT I SHALL THINK about the story.

"Thus do We explain in detail the signs for a people who give thought"  QS.Yunus {10}:24

"And he to whom We grant long life We reverse in creation; so will they not understand? "QS.Ya-Sin {36}: 68

before we review this movie further. Let's know the story

Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) was an american university student  who followed  lecture in Taiwan. One day, she was asked forcely by her boyfriend, Richard (Pilou Asbaek) to give a mysterious suitcase to the head of Korean Gangster ,Mr. Jang (Choi Min- Sik).

Then, Mr. Jang utilized  Lucy as a one of courier to bring  new type drugs which put on her intestine . None the less, a persecution caused it's broken and  absorbed by Lucy's body. yet she had  overdosis, Lucy could have used 100% her brain's ability instead, where average human only used 15%  Lucy cooperated afterwards with Inspector Pierre (Pilou Asbaek) from French's constabulary both to find out 3 other couriers and helped her to meet  Profesor Norman (Morgan Freeman), scientist who learnt brain's capability.

after we had known the outline of story i want to share some duping in here. I of course have known well it's all about science-fiction. it's going to be fine if  there are a lot of  'jokes' which doesn't make a sense. But Luc Besson does affect gazers on his way to create story  as real as possible. For example : he brings out  living creatures real's slide meanwhile Prof. Norman give a lecture to collegian. This movie like said "hi guys ,it is reality and has been proven  by scientific,i will make you feel intelligent whereas you are no better than fool"

So, here they are the truth of wrong theories which shown on :

Dolphin isn't smarter than man. however ,interesting and desperately needing more research committed to  (creating a case for dolphin captivity to continue as well) does not provide evidence for the ridiculous proposition that dolphins are smarter than humans. Common sense would drive one to realize that a dolphin would not be able to 'learn syntax' without human aid (operant conditioning), and that our command of this and the other aforementioned qualities are unparalleled. Something else that I find interesting is that these animals do not seem to make intelligent connections toward the role humans may play in their possible predation. This is essential because while it might be hard to disprove that another species might have their own species-driven reasons for not having interest in concepts we relate to a higher mental state (music, art, language, technology) that are important to human. Evolution's Theory of Charles Darwin has never been proven. It is past time that those who purport general evolutionary theory to be fact be brought into the light. Scientifically speaking, this theory does not qualify for classification as fact. It deals with history, which is not subject to investigation by experimentation. The process of general evolution could theoretically be reproduced through experimentation, but it never has been. Though speciation has been demonstrated in laboratories, no event beyond speciation has ever been demonstrated. Human use only 15% is totally myth The 15% of brain myth is the widely perpetuated urban legend that most or all humans only make use of 15% (or some other small percentage) of their brains. It has been misattributed to many people, including Albert Einstein. Neurologist Barry Gordon adding, "we use virtually every part of the brain, and that (most of) the brain is active almost all the time." NeuroscientistBarry Beyersteinsets out  evidence refuting the ten percent myth:Studies of brain damage: If 85% of the brain is normally unused, then damage to these areas should not impair performance. Instead, there is almost no area of the brain that can be damaged without loss of abilities. Even slight damage to small areas of the brain can have profound effects. those all are facts which actually happened. beside all the illogical chronologic, i love the way ScaJo's look by the way . She was extremely cool when she did her fire shot's scene on her flat expression. an i love the way her character turned out being innocent from naughty girl. anyway, i still no have idea about the scene where Lucy felt reducting her emotion because of enhancement of her knowledge and brain's capacity meanwhile she still paid attention to drug network syndicate for finding out the new superb knowledge. In the philosophy's side i catch up Besson was GOD-ing Man .it shows on screen "I AM EVERYWHERE" when Lucy has used 100% of her brain's part and can regulate the galaxy and teleporting.'s quite cool movie i guess .so have fun!

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