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Rizkita Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - S1 Management at Indonesian University of Education Bandung

Members of the group of 66 | DPL: Dr. Cik Suabuana, M.Pd.




Implementation of "Smart Home with Smart Management" with IT-based for Online Learning for Children during the Covid19 Pandemic

2 Agustus 2021   08:32 Diperbarui: 2 Agustus 2021   16:13 153
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Bandung, July 2021 - The Covid19 pandemic is a challenge for various educational institutions, especially kindergarten/paud to organize online learning. Therefore, parents have an important role in children's learning by utilizing IT, which allows parents to play their leading role in the optimal growth and development of children.

The condition of the covid19 pandemic requires all educational institutions to complete online learning by utilizing IT, including kindergarten/ PAUD. The kindergarten/PAUD curriculum (RPPH and RPPM) was also optimized during the pandemic to provide priority positions to teachers during the learning process. Kemendikbud also continues to provide various lines of communication for teachers to continue their studies. Certainly in this new policy becomes a rule regarding the ability of educators in providing IT-based learning (using a smartphone or others device). Educational institutions must develop innovative measures to monitor online learning.

Online learning during a pandemic requires cooperation between parents and educators. Educators must be able to master a wide variety of online learning media, to come up with ideas for more diverse teaching methods and models that educators have never used, such as creating diverse and creative teaching videos with a wide variety of editor applications (kinemaster, picsart, and others). Teachers need to be more interested and able to understand what the teacher is describing through the materials provided in the video. By using this learning model, children will not get tired of following online learning.

In addition to teachers, parents also have a special role in the implementation of this new policy. Families should provide physical support and communication. Because for the child, home is the first learning environment, and parents are the first teachers. Parents have a responsibility to improve and maintain the physical, mental, and emotional health of their children.

In terms of children's education, parents play a dual role: (1) spending time with their children by limiting the use of smartphones and other digital media, (2) encouraging children to participate in other activities, and (2) determining suitable media to educate the child, (3) tracking the child's social media activities, (4) being a good role model in the use of social media, (5) being friends , facilitators, fact-finding, resources, mentors, motivators, and role models for children, (6) and others.

The use of IT in learning for children can also stimulate children's creativity to develop existing knowledge. The various teaching methods given to teachers allow them to create thought-provoking and creative learning products based on their own analysis, without leaving the curriculum of the subjects the teacher teaches.

The existence of the covid19 pandemic also provides other lessons. Online learning can make it easier for parents to directly monitor their child's progress.  The next lesson is that the use of media such as smartphones or devices can be controlled according to the educational needs of the child. The role of parents in monitoring the use of equipment is increasing.

This has a positive impact for children who use IT to do useful things. Children tend to use mobile phones to complete tasks. Teachers provide learning resources for their assignments. Therefore, children avoid using the device for things that are less useful or negative. Although Indonesia's education system is affected by the covid19 pandemic, there are many positive impacts behind it. Online learning over the internet allows the government to raise awareness of current technological advances and answer educational challenges in Indonesia.

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