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It Turned Out to Be Me

14 Desember 2022   21:06 Diperbarui: 14 Desember 2022   21:31 53
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Niko, aged 15, is a man who has a poor family consisting of his mother and 3 younger siblings, 2 women and 1 boy. his first younger sibling named sofi, aged 12, his younger brother named Sean, 10 and finally his younger sister, named Olive, aged 6. They live in a city in Indonesia, which is arguably a less advanced and remote city, and what will happen to Niko's life ?

after yesterday his father died, niko had to become a breadwinner in his family because his mother, who had lung cancer, became unable to look after her children. every day niko helps neighbors with the aim of getting money for his mother's medicine and food for his younger siblings, but even though niko works helping neighbors from morning to night niko is not enough to meet the needs of his family. with a house where when it rains raindrops enter and make puddles fill the place as if there is no comfortable place in niko's life anymore.

in the morning at 4 am niko went to a food factory where he came with the intention of working because he was asked by his neighbor to work to haul heavy goods to trucks. arrived at the factory niko asked the security guard there "sir I was sent to work transporting goods where should I go" said niko, the factory security guard immediately saw niko's appearance with complete confusion because he saw a small child with a height of 150 and a weight of 40's asking to work transporting goods , after niko where he worked he saw 7 adult men who were transporting goods into each truck and niko ran to help one of the men who looked friendly, at night after work transporting goods niko was given an allowance of 75 thousand Rupiah niko bought his mother medicine at a price The remaining 63 thousand, Niko buys food for his younger siblings which is not enough to fill them up. niko thought hard about what he should do, his mother, who was getting worse day by day, and his younger brother, Olive, who really needed food to support him and his younger siblings' school fees. "Niko, do I have to work too? To help the economy at our house, I can help you. I'm big. I can lift heavy things like you. I'm strong," said Sofi. So it's hard to say yes because he knows first sofi is girl and  if Sofi helps no one will take care of Sean's mother who has to take care of Olive and Sofi who takes care of the mother is what's in Niko's brain right now.

Niko has been working at the food factory for a month, his mother is dying. Niko will only surrender to his mother. was at home and saw the condition of his house which was very sad. niko doesn't know what to do where he has to work because of his age and body which is still very difficult to find a job with criteria like him. when niko was in the rice fields niko saw 3 men his age sitting in a hut. niko really wants to make friends and have friends because niko doesn't go to school and his neighbors who only look at him with pitying eyes niko don't like being treated like that. niko tried to get closer to the 3 men and said hello but when niko got closer niko heard the word gold and 100 million rupiah when niko got closer one of the three men beat the two men to silence, niko greeted them and they forced a smile because this was the first when they saw niko "hey I heard you guys were talking about gold and quite a lot of money may I know what it is about?" said niko, the 3 men were shocked as if they wanted to run away from niko but niko stood in front of them with happy looks.

The 3 men named Denis, Ian, and Lukas they talked with Niko until late at night and Niko told him about his family's condition, then the three men promised that tomorrow they would be in this place again to accompany Niko and give Niko 200 thousand to buy food and medicine. her mother. the next day, niko came to the hut again to meet his new friend, that's right, denis, lukas, and ian were already there wearing all black clothes and next to ian there was a black suit as well as niko running happily to see his new friend there waiting for him to get there " niko can you play with us somewhere tonight?" said denis, niko said yes without thinking but he had to tell sofi that he would be home late and his three friends suggested niko go home first to talk about this to his family and bring a black suit because they I will promise to meet at night only. on the way home niko was very happy when he arrived at the door of his house sofi and sean cried so loudly that they could be heard leaving the house and niko's neighbors gathered at his house niko seemed familiar with this situation because his father died not long when niko came in he saw his mother already rolled up in a cloth white when niko saw that his legs were shaking his hands were cold his stomach was nauseous his eyes were watering which he couldn't hold back. he knew that this was going to happen and was ready to accept what was going to happen but when this happened it still made him sad niko dealt with this situation so quickly that his mother was in the grave

After that, Niko felt empty while hugging his siblings. He couldn't imagine what would happen tomorrow without his parents. night fell niko remembered his friends and niko ran to the hut and he saw his friend still there in his black clothes. "Sorry for being late, my mother just died, I don't know what to do anymore?" said niko, niko's friend immediately hugged niko and immediately invited niko to a place to work and niko resignedly joined to get money for his younger brother. "This is Niko, we have arrived here, we are going to work on transporting goods. You wait here. Ian will give you what items you have to bring to the hut, remember Niko, after you get the goods you have to quickly put them in the hut," said Denis Niko, getting 1 large plastic bag and 1 cardboard box of Niko walked quickly to the hut without waiting for his friends because that was what was ordered after niko was in the hut it turned out that his friends were already in the hut with each carrying 2 large plastic bags niko without asking anything he just wanted to pay and came home niko was given 500 thousand "Here is your salary tomorrow, I will give it again, thank you tonight," said Ian Niko, surprised by his salary because only by bringing two things and in a short time he earned almost 10 times the salary he usually works. niko bought good food that night and a toy for olive niko promised to buy good food and toys for his 3 younger siblings henceforth sofi looked very happy because he ate well and properly for the first time.

5 years went fast with niko's job which was very easy and paid enough to make his family life bright niko is 20 years old turning 21 now and tomorrow sofi is 18 years old sean is becoming more mature aged 15 years and olive is 11 years old sofi is just a little bit to graduate from high school and ready to go to college, while Sean has just graduated from junior high school and is not continuing school because Niko wants to focus on Olive's education first. Niko wants Sean to help him work, but Sean refuses. he suggested niko to take him to an orphanage niko agreed because it would reduce the economic burden on his family that day sean was isolated and lived in an orphanage. night fell niko ready to go to work niko went to the hut by riding a motorbike there there were already friends who were waiting as usual Luke and Denis took the motorbike too after that they went to the house they had just bought to place their car and their transport items. Lukas has been practicing cars for 3 years to carry goods faster, so tonight it has been 5 years that Lukas has been trusted to take them to work because every day they work at different houses and even Niko can work 1 month 2 times or 3 months 5 times but the salary he receives niko is very different from the previous 5 years tonight the house they went to is very big but this is the first time niko feels strange because he works very far from home about 3 hours drive to work in a big house and this is the first time niko climbs the wall of a very tall person's house niko asked why we have to climb the wall why don't we go through the gate. his friends were shocked and shocked that all this time niko had not realized what he was doing but his friend could not back down and tell him what was going on as usual niko just waited in front of the door waiting for his friend to give him things while he was daydreaming niko heard a loud bang from inside like fireworks ian and denis ran very fast and pulled niko's hand out of the house and climbed the wall quickly but niko who didn't know this situation just followed when niko was on the wall he saw a man holding a gun shot at him and called him a thief . niko was shot in the shoulder he was bleeding profusely in the car and thought what he had just heard the thief say from a man earlier. when they arrived at their warehouse where they put the car and their stolen goods, Ian immediately treated Nico's wounds and Lukas bought clothes for Niko.

niko came home with an empty face and a limp body without power he went straight to his own room and locked his room. niko feels dirty and very stupid his heart is broken he has been a thief for five years and he doesn't realize it he thought he had a very close friend but in fact he was betrayed all along. niko went to the kitchen to get a knife and scraped the wound on his leg then he scratched his stomach but he didn't feel any pain he just felt disappointed and angry with himself he hated the feeling and then he scratched his hand again and again until he felt calm.

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