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Ilmu Sosbud

Sexual Education: Is This Important for Us?

7 Desember 2023   15:37 Diperbarui: 7 Desember 2023   15:42 57
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

What is sex education?

Sex education is an early effort to provide knowledge about the reproductive function of organs by fostering moral, ethical, and religious commitment to prevent the reproduction of these reproductive organs.

So, what do they say about sex education?

"Sex education is a prohibition for people not to engage in free sex, so as not to get pregnant out of wedlock." Said one of the vocational school students.

Yep, that's right, sex education teaches us not to have casual sex, and that sex has procedures and can only be done by married couples.

Sex education is critical among teenagers and adults, however, why is sex education still taboo in Indonesia?

Because sex education is not just about culture, religion, or belief, but more than that, namely human relationships with other people and also themselves. Therefore, sex education is not something you need to stay away from or consider taboo.

It seems like sex education is important, yes, but how important is sex education for teenagers and adults?

Sex education is critical to tell children from an early age. There are several reasons why sex education is important for boys, namely to fulfill children's curiosity, prevent children from engaging in inappropriate sexual activities, so that children are not surprised when they enter puberty, make children aware of maintaining reproductive organs, and prevent early pregnancy. early.

So what, do you know what sex education is and the importance of sex education for teenagers and adults? Sex education should not be considered taboo and does not need to be avoided, because this is for the good of all of us.

This article was written by:

  • Fatih Muttaqein
  • Keyla Azzahra Putri

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