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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Modul Ajar Informatika SMP/MTs (Fase D); Pengenalan Komputer

27 Februari 2024   06:45 Diperbarui: 27 Februari 2024   06:55 50
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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony

B) Keyboard
C) Monitor
D) Mouse

3. What is the primary purpose of the keyboard?

A) Executing calculations
B) Displaying output
C) Inputting data
D) Controlling the mouse

4. Which unit of the CPU performs mathematical calculations and logical operations?

B) Control unit

5. What does the mouse primarily enable users to do on a computer?

A) Input data
B) Execute calculations
C) Control the cursor
D) Display graphics

B. True-False Statements (T-F):

1. The CPU is responsible for displaying information on the monitor. True / False
2. The keyboard is an output device. True / False
3. The monitor displays both graphical and textual information. True / False
4. The mouse has two main functions: inputting data and executing calculations. True / False
5. The ALU in the CPU performs mathematical calculations and logical operations. True / False

C. Fill in the Gaps:

1. The __________ is the brain of the computer, responsible for processing instructions.
2. The __________ is an output device that visually presents information to the user.
3. The primary function of the __________ is to allow users to input text, numbers, and commands.
4. The __________ is a device used to control the cursor or pointer on the computer screen.
5. The CPU consists of the Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU) for calculations and the __________ for instruction flow.

D. Matching:

Match the component with its primary function.

1. Keyboard

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
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