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Maria Fillieta Kusumantara
Maria Fillieta Kusumantara Mohon Tunggu... Administrasi - S1 Akuntansi Atma Jaya

Music Addict. Writer. Content creator




"Must Be Owned by Indonesian Citizens"

17 April 2018   18:54 Diperbarui: 17 April 2018   19:01 465
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4 months from now, Indonesia will turn 73 years old. Usually, in a celebration of independence day, we will make a wish list for Indonesia.  Well, what is your hope for Indonesia? According to me, these things must be owned by the people of Indonesia in the future :

1. Electricity Ball

This electric ball is a kind of simple electrical circuit with the converting concept of kinetic energy into electrical energy. By playing football in 1 hour and plugging a special connector on the ball, you can turn on the LED light for 3 hours non-stop. So easy, cheap, safe and healthy for areas that haven't got electricity access, right?

2. Refrigerator Content Tracking Application

Do you like cooking? Certainly, it's so difficult and wasting time to find your cooking materials that aren't available in the fridge especially when we're not at home and forget what to buy. Now, through the installation of the application on your mobile phone, you can track the contents of your refrigerator anytime anywhere.

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3. Outer Space TV Program

Do you feel annoyed with Indonesia tv show that's getting more and more alay? I think Indonesia needs more Physics and Geography fun educating outer space tv program like Cosmos A Spacetime Odyssey by Hayden Planetarium astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson or One Strange Rock presented by a film star, Will Smith.

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4. Children Songs and TV Program

Oh, I'm a Gummy Bear yes. Yeah, I'm a Gummy Bear yeah. Oh, I'm a yummy, tummy, funny, lucky Gummy Bear. I'm a Jelly bear, Cuz I'm a Gummy bear. Oh I'm a movin', groovin', Jammin', Singin' Gummy Bear. Do you still remember this famous children song? Maybe, many of us have never heard this song. Because of what? Because children are always crammed with alay songs and alay soap operas every day.

5. High Class Indonesian Superhero

Do you know Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and many more superheroes from DC and Marvel Comics? What are the name of Indonesian original superheroes?  Wiro Sableng, Gundala, Gatotkaca. It's not cool and very traditional. Try to make more cool and interesting superheroes!

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