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Review "Violet Evergarden", KyoAni Gets Back Up

12 Maret 2020   20:18 Diperbarui: 12 Maret 2020   20:36 617
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Precisely on September 6, 2019, Kyoto Animation or as we often know KyoAnimation finally released his new anime film adapted from his anime series titled Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memoir Doll / Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou. Although on July 18, 2019, the anime production house 'A Silent Voice' It caught fire and claimed the lives of around 33 people but they can get up quickly. The film is set in with the background of the European continent first after World War I ended. This fascinating film is a film released from an anime series and made into a movie with a duration of 1h 30m. 

The film is directed by Haruka Fujita amazed the loyal viewers of the KyoAnimation production house. The film with a rating of 7.4 out of 10 ( from IMDb) will also air in Indonesia on January 15, 2020. The film is based on stories centered around Automatic Memory Puppets (id Jid Shuki Ningy): people who were originally employed by a scientist named Dr. Orland in order to help his blind wife named Mollie to write his novel, and then hired by others who need their services. Today, the term refers to writing for other people. This is a film with a successful drama animation genre that drains the hearts and emotions of anime fans who watch it.
Isabella York a.ka Emi Bartler was the daughter of a York aristocratic family who attended special academics for noblewoman at that time. However, he felt that the prestigious school was no more like a prison for him. That's why he gave up on his future. Violet was sent by the York family to be her personal servant and at the same time teach her to be a noble's daughter. Although at first Isabela treated Violet coldly, but after learning of Violet's struggle in living her life, she finally opened up and revealed that she had lost contact with her sister, Taylor Bartler. 

Knowing how much Isabela missed her younger sister, Violet gave her advice to write a letter and convey her feelings to her younger sister. The flow in this film seems soft and slow but full of explanations so that the audience knows clearly about the causes and effects of each event that occurs in the film. The flow of the film also slowly creates an atmosphere and mood that is really thick with drama, so that not infrequently the audience is also immersed in the film.
The duration of this film is the same as the usual anime film, which is around 90 minutes so that the viewers won't feel so bored while watching it. Violet and Isabela's characters, as well as other supporting characters, also have their respective parts so that what is contained in each conversation feels light. Talking about how the film ends, KyoAnimation gives a soft ending but was truly meaningful and convincing. 

That's why the ending in the film Violet Evergarden is also the same, especially coupled with the elements of emotion that can make anyone cry. Sound Effects and soundtracks in this animated film really blend with the storyline so strong and so rich. The image quality of this movie can't be doubted. KyoAnimation is famous for anime that has clear and clear picture quality like the production house of Kimi No Nawa film (CoMix Wave Films). So indirectly the audience is also spoiled with it.

Seeing how the storyline, anime characters, and music are presented in this film, of course, I highly recommend it. Besides entertaining, we can also learn many lessons from the animated film. About how to respect and respect everyone. That's why I recommended it to you all.

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