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Education in Jayapura is Still Said to be Good

5 Oktober 2020   07:22 Diperbarui: 5 Oktober 2020   07:24 88 2
Education in Jayapura city is still different from other cities. It can be said that education in this city is still very far left behind. The large number of students and the lack of teaching staffs are among the obstacles to the poor education system in Jayapura City.

There, schools or educational institutions are also very lacking, not comparable to the number of students in this city. Facilities and infrastructures are also inadequate. The teaching-learning activities there seems to be "not well served" seeing that some teachers who teach their students half-heartedly, making them sometimes ignore what their teacher teaches.

Regarding funds, the government has actually provided them which are considered very helpful for students and teachers, for example, the BOS funds. However, sometimes these funds were misused by students. Instead of buying school supplies, they are used to fulfill other purposes without their parents knowing. 


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