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Article LMS Methods Follow Technological Development

31 Desember 2021   09:39 Diperbarui: 31 Desember 2021   09:41 166
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Learning Management System (LMS) Methods Follow Technological Developments 

Human life that started from simplicity has now become a life that can be categorized as very modern. In this era of increasingly sophisticated information and communication technology that is developing today, everything can be solved in practical ways. Information and communication technology is something that's useful to facilitate all aspects of human life. The world of information today seems to be inseparable from technology. Technology has a great influence and contribution and even more influences the order of human life. In the current pandemic era, technology is needed in various aspects, especially in the field of education. The increasing number of Covid-19 cases has caused many companies or schools to close and require them to do all work/learning at home through social media/devices. Likewise, technology and mobile devices have enabled a new generation of information recipients to meet their demands for knowledge without the need to meet on-site in person. 

Educational institutions are aware of this kind of development and have used a system that can facilitate remote learning management and student engagement. Technologies that facilitate the provision of distance learning are broadly called "Learning Management Systems" or LMS. In general, LMS is software designed to create, distribute, and manage the delivery of learning materials. This learning method is related to making a learning syllabus, managing and presenting learning materials online. This system, also called e-learning, is specially designed to make it easier for teachers during distance learning. In addition to making it easier for teachers to plan online learning processes, LMS also makes it easier for students to access learning content anywhere and anytime. Through this technology, a teacher teaches in front of a computer in one place, while the students follow the lesson from another computer in a different place and at the same time. This technology seems to have efficiency and effectiveness in helping the teaching and learning process. And it seems that in the future this e-learning technology can be a solution and alternative technology to be used in teaching methods. 

The learning management system is designed to identify learning training gaps, using analytical and reporting data. LMS focuses on delivering online learning but also supports a variety of other uses. Chang (2020) said that LMS is software used to create web-based online learning materials and manage learning activities and outcomes. In LMS, several features can meet all user needs in learning (Khoa, Ha, Nguyen, & Bich, 2020). These features include administration, material delivery, and easy access to reference sources, assessments, online exams, feedback collection, and communication, which provides online discussion forums, discussion mailing lists, and chats (Raharja, Prasojo, & Nugroho, 2016). The learning management system is a very useful learning system in the world of education (Dakir, 2017), especially in today's modern era. This learning model contains the concept of continuity in the learning process that occurs without the boundaries of space and time to create more optimal learning and keep up with the times. 

The LMS learning method uses several information technologies in the form of images, sounds, animations, videos, and texts to make learning materials easier to understand and not boring. Maman et. al. (2021) says that learning using Google Classroom as part of a seamless mobile learning tool can streamline learning, as well as the use of the Edmodo app, which according to Mahmud et al. (2021), can provide a lot of experience and competence for students. 

The most used features in Indonesia 

After analyzing the needs of students, now teachers have decided to use simple and easy-to-use technology in managing their learning during this pandemic, namely using the Whatsapp application to communicate with their students either through short messages, video recordings, or video calls. The results of the research show that Whatsapp is very useful for teachers and students. They can be grouped in WhatsApp group forums as learning media, this mapping aims to be a separator between classes and this also makes it easier for teachers to communicate directly with students. In her journal, Risa Iskandar (2020) proves that from the results of the evaluation conducted by the group leader, tutors and students can overcome various shortcomings and obstacles that occur in the WhatsApp group process as a learning medium. Schramm (1977) in Rudi and Cepi (2008: 6) explains that learning media is a message-carrying technology that can be used for learning purposes. 

In addition, teachers also use the Google classroom application to evaluate student learning and activities. Where all teachers can upload learning materials easily without being hindered by a file size that is too large. You can also do video meetings with the Google Meet feature. In this feature, teachers can check the authenticity of assignments to detect possible plagiarism from internet sources or work of other students. Teachers are allowed to check for authenticity five times per class. In the interview, Zach said, "G Suite for Education solutions are made to support learning, where tools are created to help the teaching and learning process like in the classroom." The features presented by Google and WhatsApp are so helpful and simplify all matters in learning. In addition to using Whatsapp and Google Classroom, LMS can also use social media features by sharing content or news items via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. with just the click of a button. 

Besides the use of applications as a learning method. There is also such a thing as an LMS Website. among others: LMS Unhas, LMS IPB, LMS PLN, LMS STmik, LMS PNM, LMS PMBS, and others. This is the most frequently used web-based E-learning by Universities. It provides discussion forums, quizzes, learning videos, and forums for uploading exam documents. It is not easy to create an LMS Website, but the features are quite easy to use for College Students. Future Trends and Developments in online education, namely: large-scale online education, standardization, cost-effectiveness, and market constraints, m-learning (mobile learning), and increased bandwidth capacity enabling more multimedia capabilities, and finally globalizing. Learning management systems (LMS) have grown in response to the demand for innovative educational products that take advantage of advances in information and telecommunications technology. The LMS has many features that support online learning, assessment, student progress Tracking, Communication, and Smartphone access. LMS will continue to evolve with the latest versions following current trends. Contains the best content for learning that is tailored for students, individuals, and increases interaction between online learners. 


Mahmud, E. (2021). Learning Management System in Streamlining Learning through Seamless Learning Approach. Jurnal Pendidikan, 1-11. 

Paulsen, M. F., Nipper, S., & Holmberg, C. (2003). Online education: Learning management systems: Global e-learning in a Scandinavian perspective.

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