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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

English Class Assigment

29 Januari 2023   10:55 Diperbarui: 29 Januari 2023   11:01 161
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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony


English Class Assignment

Name  : Kayis Fathin

NIM: 41205425121019

Faculty: Forestry

Study Program: KSHE

Adherents Of The Water Religion Who Maintain Local Wisdom In Bali

That morning, a dry season day in Bali. on a small boat, Jro Putu Ardana (65) paddled his way to the Dalem Tamblingan Temple, which is located on the edge of Lake Tamblingan.

"Forest is very important for life," said Ardana.

Ardana calls the forest area around the lake the name Alas Mertajati, which means a source of life as well as a real life.

The jungle around Tamblingan Lake has an important role for the Tamblingan Indigenous People, there are social ecological relations here. No wonder, if the ancestors always ordered that everything must be maintained for the preservation of humans.

As evidence, the inscription of Celak Kontong Lugeng Luwih in Dalem Tamblingan Temple is still stored, which is believed to be a symbol of fertility.

In the inscription that accompanies it, one can find text whose free translation goes something like this: "From long ago, where there was a source of water, that is where humanews chose to live. People will have a hard time living without water."

In its implementation, the Dalem Tamblingan Indigenous People adhere to the Gama Tirta Piagem or procedures for glorifying water. "We believe our predecessors were very concerned about the environment and always maintained harmony with nature," said Ardana.

"That's why we never give up our duty to always purify this area. The Gama Tirta Piagem can be said to be the religion of water."

"Anyone who has ever planted a tree here will know that what grows is not just a stem. But more than that it forms a mark in space and time. That's a simple philosophy about the tree of life," said Ardana.

For Ardana, everything is a cycle that always rotates. Everything is connected. That is why Catur desa's predecessors carefully planned the location of land and settlements in customary areas.

In areas where the valleys are not steep and where there is running water, the village ancestors used the land as paddy fields and gardens. The land use in the village of Dalem Tamblingan Catur village is divided based on the tri mandala. Utamaning mandala (luhuring capah), madyaning mandala (madyaning capah), suring mandala (suring capah).

"Our predecessors already knew that under the area that we purify, it is the supplier of one-third of the water on the island of Bali. So not just any of us can build or grow crops."

Until now, about 90 percent of the people depend their lives as rice and plantation farmers. Arabica coffee types began to be grown since the early 20th century. The period from the 1920s to the 1970s was the heyday of coffee which thrived around Alas Mertajati.

Every 25 days before Galungan, in a Tumpek Uduh or Tumpek Wariga, residents will welcome Sanghyang Sangkara, the guardian deity of plants, at Pura Kopi. People come to bring offerings to honor the gods and hope for good blessings.

"Here there are three potentials, namely natural, cultural, and spiritual. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the three of them so that the charms of Tamblingan and Mertajati are maintained."

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