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Kayis Fathin
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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

English Class Assigment

29 Januari 2023   10:55 Diperbarui: 29 Januari 2023   11:01 161
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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony


English Class Assignment

Name  : Kayis Fathin

NIM: 41205425121019

Faculty: Forestry

Study Program: KSHE

Adherents Of The Water Religion Who Maintain Local Wisdom In Bali

That morning, a dry season day in Bali. on a small boat, Jro Putu Ardana (65) paddled his way to the Dalem Tamblingan Temple, which is located on the edge of Lake Tamblingan.

"Forest is very important for life," said Ardana.

Ardana calls the forest area around the lake the name Alas Mertajati, which means a source of life as well as a real life.

The jungle around Tamblingan Lake has an important role for the Tamblingan Indigenous People, there are social ecological relations here. No wonder, if the ancestors always ordered that everything must be maintained for the preservation of humans.

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