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If I Was The President of Indonesia, What Would I do During This Pandemic

6 April 2020   12:43 Diperbarui: 6 April 2020   13:05 25
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Coronavirus disease or COVID-19 is a type of virus that transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person and touching surfaces contaminated with the virus. 

The symptoms may be similar to the flu (influenza) or the common cold, like fever, cough, and shortness of breath. During the first week of the pandemic, people still see it as a light disease. 

They still think that they will not be contaminated by the virus, because they think that they have high antibodies. But coronavirus has spread througout the country, and this frightens them. This virus has spread in several countries and each countries has their own way to prevent the contamination of the novel coronavirus.

The action that our government chose is the social distancing and quarantine. This action makes people unable to get out of their houses. This makes the virus have a small spread rate because people do not make contact with the infected person.  However, social distancing may cause a person difficult to socialize. The social distancing itself means reduce the social or physical contact with others. 

If I was the president of Indonesia, I would like to do the same thing. The social distancing is an effective way to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. It would help to decrease the spread by not making contact with the contaminated one. 

Even though it would make people difficult to socialize, I would still do it because health is more important than to have a socialization. But, I would like to add an action to prevent more people to be contaminated or infected by the virus. 

It is to distribute a pack of mask and hand sanitizer to each house. So, if they want to go out to buy some necessities, they have something to protect themselves.

However, it is not recommended to go out. So, buy some stuff that will be needed for the week or 3 until 4 days. It is to prevent the panic buying and lack of supplies for the one who also needed those things. 

Not just the stuff that we need to protect ourselves from the virus, if the government still have some money left, I think it would be nice to give some daily needs to some houses. 

I also would like to hold a charity event and open a donation to people who want to help the contaminated person and the one who lacks daily need. I include the person who is in need, because if they don't have the daily need, it would cause their antibody to decrease. 

The food that they consumed and many more may cause their antibody to decrease due to nutritional deficiencies and maybe the quality of the food. The most important thing is reminding public to prevent Coronavirus by regularly wash our hands, cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and avoid close contact with anyone who has the symptoms.

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