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Johan Japardi
Johan Japardi Mohon Tunggu... Penerjemah - Penerjemah, epikur, saintis, pemerhati bahasa, poliglot, pengelana, dsb.

Lulus S1 Farmasi FMIPA USU 1994, Apoteker USU 1995, sudah menerbitkan 3 buku terjemahan (semuanya via Gramedia): Power of Positive Doing, Road to a Happier Marriage, dan Mitos dan Legenda China.




Hidden Kartinis

8 April 2021   23:00 Diperbarui: 24 April 2021   12:37 355
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Fumiko conduted 20 tests everyday, including tests under freezeng snow, until finally she had to lose her own life, in order that all other people, including you and me today, do not have to bother cooking the delicious and fluffier rice that we eat every day.

Thank you Mother Fumiko!

Superiorities of Mother Fumiko: Love for mankind worldwide (with rice as staple food), and extraordinary tenacity not possesed even by any men!

Yayuk Ciayo. Screenshot source.
Yayuk Ciayo. Screenshot source.

3. Yayuk Ciayo
Now Era:
Speaking about "hidden", Yayuk Ciayo very much deserves our attention and appreciation in midst of our busy and uncertain world.

Yayuk is an Indonesian female worker in Taiwan and has worked there for more than 3 years. One of Yayuk's daily duties is to prepare food for the household where she works.

A very humblle young Kartini from Java, who had to travel all the way to other country to help support her family in Indonesia. Stricken with a lot of controversies, even from her fellow Indonesians, Younger Sister Yayuk keeps going and sometimes has to ignore the unpleasant comments she has to accept.

Among her routines, Younger Sister Yayuk can still spare her time to become a Youtuber.

Listening to one of Younger Sister Yayuk's videos, I got the following valuable lessons:
1. Above all, we should be grateful that we are still given life and health, the result of a very wise reflection after witnessing a girl with autism in Taiwan, who everyday has to be accompanied and supervised by her mother.

2. We should be grateful that we can still eat.
Younger Sister Yayuk tells about her family's life, full of concerns, in their village.

Part of this story that really touches my humanity and sympathy was when Yayuk's mother cooked sun-dried rice, but she herself did not eat it because she was worried that her children would not eat enough.
Younger Sister Yayuk said, the sun-dried rice recooked by her mother was the most delicious food she had ever tasted!

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