Mohon tunggu...
Jaslien Ebo
Jaslien Ebo Mohon Tunggu... pelajar/mahasiswa -

whatever u say i am..




Dear God..

22 Agustus 2011   12:02 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   02:33 147
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It was a long shot but I decided to take it.

I set there for a million hours, beatin’ my brains out.

But I had no luck, I fell and stuck..

My heart was goin to pieces..

Then I awaked and I knew, the only one that I could trust..

I come to You, Lord..

With the empty hands, and fragile heart..

I’ve gone too far and left You,

but You’re still there along with me, and lifted me back,

now I finally see my way home..:)

Coz Your love’s sooooooooo great for me.

I entrust my whole life into Your hands,

Let me in through this joy, and sing all of  Your goodness..

I have no reason to leave You again

The feelin’ of being Yours

is so precious and endless..^_^

Mohon tunggu...

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