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23 Desember 2019   00:08 Diperbarui: 23 Desember 2019   00:27 4
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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

Understanding PostModernism 

Postmodernism is a concept that developed after the modern era with its modernism. Postmodernism is not a single understanding of a theory, but rather appreciates theories that are scattered and difficult to find a single common ground. Many figures who give meaning to postmodernism as a continuation of modernism. But the sequel became very diverse. For Lyotard and Geldner, modernism is a total break from modernism. 

For Derrida, Foucault and Baudrillard, radical forms of modernity that eventually committed suicide because it was difficult to uniform theories. For David Graffin, Postmodernism is a correction of several aspects of moderinism. Then for Giddens, it is a form of modernism that has become self-aware and has become wise. The latter, for Habermas, is a stage of modernism that has not yet been completed. Based on the origin of the word, Post-modern-ism, derived from English which means understanding (ism), which developed after (post) modern.

This term first appeared in 1930 in the arts by Federico de Onis to show the reaction of modernism. Then in the field of History by Toyn Bee in his book Study of History in 1947. After that it developed in other fields and brought criticism of modernism in its own fields. Postmodernism is a complicated term or term. 

A difficult thing, if not impossible, to explain postmodernism. Not only can postmodernism be found in a variety of ways (such as in art, architecture, literature studies, and social sciences), but also in many cases postmodernism is understood and explained in a variety of different ways.

The Characteristics of Post-Modernism 

Thinking Abdullah in his book entitled The Philosophy of Kalam in the Postmodernism Era states that the characteristics of postmodernism thought are deconstructive. -the nature that has been standard turns out to be questioned again by postmodernism. This happens because the theory is considered to close the emergence of other theories which are perhaps much more able to help understand reality and problem solving. So the claim of standard, standard, inviolable theories is what is opposed by postmodern thinkers.

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