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Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis

11 Agustus 2011   09:00 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   02:53 154
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BULLETIN OF CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING and CATALYSIS is an online journal as a media for communicating all research activities in Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis fields, and disseminating the novel technology and news related to chemical reaction engineering, catalyst engineering and science, and catalytic reactor engineering. BCREC journal is an electronic journal published by Department of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University and Masyarakat Katalis Indonesia - Indonesian Catalyst Society (MKICS) . The research article submitted to this online journal will be peer-reviewed. The accepted research articles will be available online (free download) following the journal peer-reviewing process. Language used in this bulletin is English or Indonesian, but English is preferable. Official Website of BCREC Journal is : Online Submission Website address:

BULLETIN OF CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING and CATALYSIS provides a forum for publishing the research articles, review articles from contributors, and the novel technology news related to chemical reaction engineering and catalysis engineering.

Scientific articles dealing with chemical reaction engineering, catalysis engineering, catalyst characterization, novel innovation of chemical reactor, etc. are particularly welcome. The bulletin encompasses research articles, original research report, reviews, short communications and scientific commentaries in chemical reaction engineering and catalysis including:

  • fundamentals of catalysis,
  • fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering,
  • applied chemical reaction engineering,
  • applied catalysis,
  • chemistry of catalyst and catalysis,
  • applied bio-catalysis,
  • chemical reactor design,
  • bio-reactor design,
  • catalyst regeneration,
  • catalyst materials preparation
  • industrial practice of catalysis,
  • chemical reactor engineering
  • application of plasma technology in catalysis

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis ISSN 1978-2993 has been covered by the following indexing and abstracting services:

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