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The Role of Indonesian Influencers During The Covid-19 Pandemic, Are They Doing Their Best in Influencing The Indonesian People?

4 Agustus 2022   23:52 Diperbarui: 4 Agustus 2022   23:53 274
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The role of Indonesian influencers during the COVID-19 pandemic,
are they doing their best in influencing the Indonesian people? GROUP 1 ICS FINAL PROJECT, AUGUST 4, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit our world in recent times. Many people in the world have become victims of this pandemic, from diverse circles such as the marginalised who have experienced hardship even though it is not a pandemic to the rich who are always well off. Many workers have felt the impact of the covid 19 pandemic. And also many large companies have fallen during the covid 19 pandemic period that has hit the whole world.

The COVID 19 pandemic that hit the whole world began at the end of 2019 and was confirmed to enter Indonesia on March 4, 2020 with the infection of 2 Indonesian citizens. It is known that this pandemic is a pandemic that originated in a place in China called Wuhan, where at first many of its citizens fell mysteriously with diseases that were not known at first. 

And after a lot of research, WHO (World Health Organisation) immediately gave alert status to all countries and blocked the exit and entry routes from each country. With the enactment of these regulations, it certainly hinders the process of buying and selling between countries and the bilateral relations that have been built by the affected countries.

Apart from the WHO's rule to quarantine at home to break the chain of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Indonesian government has made a policy to impose restrictions on communal activities starting in early 2021 in order to combat Covid-19. pandemic in Indonesia. The government had imposed extensive social restrictions in a number of provinces in Indonesia prior to the implementation of PPKM.

The number of health protocols that must be obeyed by the Indonesian people from the WHO and government appeals is not easy to be understood directly by the public, even though there are many advertisements, banners, dissemination of information through television and radio media, social media is also a platform that helps communication between the government and its people. . 

The government has begun to follow social media trends by creating various social media accounts and disseminating information on the COVID-19 health protocols that the public needs to adhere to.

The government has indeed made a lot of efforts in distributing this information, so that Covid-19 in Indonesia can quickly subside, but not many people do not comply or do not fully understand the explanation or protocol. Fortunately, in social media, there are many public figures such as well-known influencers who also help remind the public to adhere to existing protocols. 

Not a few experienced doctors or medical school students have become famous influencers after explanations for their content that helps the community. The way they explain the existing health protocols is more acceptable to the public because it is easy to understand.
To get specific answers, here are the results of our interviews with 4 influencers who work in the entertainment sector.

 So we have also conducted interviews with some of our friends with the aim of digging further information and deepening our understanding of how often Gen Z in Indonesia use social media and the effects of social media and influencers in spreading the news about covid-19 according to them.

We started with the question “do you use social media?” out of 4 all our friends answered "yes". Then we asked “how often do they use social media?” with the same answer they answered “every day, 5-10 hours/day”. In the next question we asked "what do you think about the spread of covid-19 information through social media and influencers?"

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