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Hella Novita Zami



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Who is Entitled to be Defended? Israel - Palestine

30 Mei 2021   23:09 Diperbarui: 30 Mei 2021   23:42 24
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Name   : Hella Novita Zami

NIM    : A1B218059


Who is entitled to be defended? Israel-Palestine

            Quoting on July 18, 2020, what is being fought over by Palestine and Israel is the area between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. The area labeled Israel on the current map also contains the city of Jerusalem which is considered sacred to Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews alike. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a perpetual conflict. until now the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has not yet found a clear point. Not only is the conflict lasting, but this conflict is also often known as the most tragic conflict. In this article, the author will describe the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and what is the background for the conflict. In Ismawati's book Sejarah Timur Tengah Volume 2 (2013), the Palestinian territories in the past were known as Canaan, Judea and the Holy Land. Then In 1000-586 AD, Palestin was a Jewish state that became a colony of Babylon, Persia, Macedonia and several Greek kingdoms. It was only in 636 AD that this region came under Islamic rule.

The beginning of the conflict between Palestine and Israel occurred after World War I. In which Britain as the winner of World War I gave territory to the Jewish people through the Balfour Declaration (1917). From this incident, the Jews considered that the Palestinian area was their homeland. On the other hand, the Palestinian Muslim community has its own stand regarding the issue of territorial claims. In Kirdi Dipoyudo's book "Timur Tengah" in Perguruan (1982), the Palestinian Muslim community considers that Britain is imposing the establishment of a Jewish state in the Palestinian territories against the wishes of the majority of the Palestinian people. In addition, the Palestinians also consider that Western countries are trying to solve the problem of Jewish refugees in Europe by seizing territories in Arab countries.

Many parties criticize Israel and support Palestine, because not a few media present the destruction of Palestine which was colonized by Israel. However, there are also those who defend Israel while accusing the Hamas group of instigating the turmoil. This happens because people, including Indonesia, do not know for sure what really happened. Therefore, as smart social media users, we must view the news rationally.As we can see the name war certainly produces more negative impacts. Some of the impacts of the conflict on the international community, namely the first The emergence of anti-Jewish sentiments in several Islamic countries in the world. The second is the emergence of world Muslim solidarity to support the struggle of the Palestinians. besides that, it also caused a political and security crisis in the Middle East region.

Here the author does not blame the two camps who have this view. However, the author tries to find a different point of view from society. I just think to focus more on helping those closest to us first. because in Indonesia, there are still many who need our help. Given that the Palestinian case only requires a sense of humanity, where restraint is taking place against the Palestinian people. Well, without blaming the two, the author just wants to see it from the other side. My dear friends, there is a massacre going on there, aren't we as humans, we are obliged to help anyone in need while we are able ?. After all, let alone brothers and sisters, we are still our brothers and we are obliged to help in the name of brotherhood and humanity. I just don't want to be the one who stands on obscurity. Partisanship is important. I don't want to be a gray person, who stands on obscurity, I realize what I am doing to help Palestine is not much. However, the author sided with Palestine.

To address a problem, we cannot just look at one point of view, and before we conclude it is better if we dig up the information more steadily. It is not wrong that everyone wants to support Israel or Palestine, but it is better if anything related to posts in the social media should be viewed rationally so that there is no deep dispute.

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