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Muhammad Haidar Razan Hilmi
Muhammad Haidar Razan Hilmi Mohon Tunggu... Insinyur - MSc of Aerospace Vehicle Design, Cranfield University, UK in 2018

Loves aircrafts, loves children, loves arts. Envisions the world where we could all be at peace with ourselves, hence our children could be at peace too.




Critics to Popular Saying about Dreams

3 Agustus 2021   22:54 Diperbarui: 3 Agustus 2021   23:03 98
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Therefore, I believe that both motivational sentences are incomplete, if not necessary. We could shift over to other expressions that emphasize the necessity of hard work and facing the challenges such as, “The first step to achieving your dream is to wake up.” I think this is better than the first saying. We are aware that we are talking about our life goal, not a dream as in brain activity while we sleep. The latter is definitely free. What is the benefit of dreaming if we are not willing to make it come true?

The second saying is heavier since we talk about the adverse effect of dreaming on people who have built a solid image of their success in their minds only to be shattered. We could rephrase it by saying, “Aim your dreams high, work hard but do not forget to lay the result to your God, as he is our Protector.” This phrase contains the following prominent aspects, whereas 1) The importance of liberating ourselves to dream high, 2) Setting our mind and body to exert efforts as exhaustive as possible to achieve those goals, 3) After committing the previous two tasks, leave to end result to God and 4) Believe that God will always protect us.

Thus, we might fail our scholarship, campus admission, and job applications despite all of our best endeavors without feeling demoralized, because we have physically done everything that could - consequently, there is no regret - and we firmly believed that this is God’s way of protecting us instead of hating us. This is a crucial psychological point of view to maintain stable mental health. 

To conclude, I would like to remind us that chasing dreams is costly, and it is fine to fail your dream. It is not because you will land among the stars, but because you will find another sky to shoot for. It is the sky that God has written for you. So keep striving and do not give up!

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