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Often Underestimated, These 5 Animals Play An Important Role In Human Life!

7 Desember 2020   22:37 Diperbarui: 7 Desember 2020   22:45 88
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Animals and humans are living things that share each other. Animals are very important and influence our life. Animals can be used as pets, house keepers, or a source of food or clothing. However, only a few animals are considered important by humans. Many animals are considered unimportant and useless, but in fact they have a very influential role in human life. Some of the animals that can affect human life are:

1. Earthworms

Earthworms are often looked down upon by humans because they live in the soil and are considered disgusting. However, the existence of this earthworm greatly affects the balance of the ecosystem. Earthworms are very useful for soil fertility and can improve crop performance. During its life, earthworms will release nitrogen in the soil so that it can affect soil and plant fertility

2. Bees

Bees have an important role for humans, in planning to pollinate plants, also produce honey which is useful for humans. Honey can be used to provide energy to humans, become a cough medicine, reduce cholesterol, good for human heart health. Honey is a natural medicine that is used for health.

3. Fish

Apart from being used as a pet and a food source. Many fishermen catch fish to sell it to the market. However, without realizing it, the existence of fish is needed by humans. Fish can also be used to reduce the adverse effects of climate change. Fish waste can significantly reduce the acidity in the sea so that the pH of the sea air is maintained stable.

4. Ants

Ants are animals that can be found anywhere. Ants often sound trivial to humans and are often killed for polluting the house. Without us knowing it, ants have an important role in our lives. Ants can help create healthy, fertile soil for plants to thrive. The ants aid in decomposition by recycling the nutrients present in the soil.

5. Bats

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