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Geffin Wartuny
Geffin Wartuny Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa di Universitas Atmajaya Yogyakarta

saya suka bermain Musik dan sport.



Ilmu Sosbud


21 September 2022   21:53 Diperbarui: 6 November 2022   12:21 55
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“Identity is a multifaceted, dynamic, abstract concept that plays an integral role in daily communicative interactions and particularly in intercultural communication.” (Smovar, 2015: 246). It means that identity is not something that can be made but it happens by itself, because the interaction and communication in daily life activity. So, that’s why identity is called dynamic, it signified that dynamic is flexible and cannot be arranged by anything. Because identity also can be exist based on what we do in the society that we are. For the example if we have neighbor, definitely they can recognize our identity based on our interaction with them in whole the day. Talk about identity definitely I have a lot of it, but there is a memorable moment that very strong in my mind until this time. As long as I study in Yogyakarta, I have strong identity that very strong in my friend’s mind. Why? Because I have UKM (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa) which is PALAWA (Pencinta Alam Mahasiswa Atma Jaya). In PALAWA itself we have nature activity such as climbing, caving, rafting and etc. As a member I have my own call name which is Patir (panik petir). The call name was given to me is not just a name but it has funny story behind it. The story began, when I joined to LATSAR (Latihan dasar) and at the moment we were doing extreme activity which is climbing the Babarsari bridge, it’s quite high for a junior at PALAWA. Then, when I already reach the top of the bridge suddenly a lighting come in front of my eyes, and it freaking me out for a moment. At the moment one of the seniors in PALAWA looked at me for the accident and giving a smile for me. At the end of the event, finally the seniors announced some call names for all of the participant in the event. When I hear my call name, I felt kinda confused about it, because I really didn’t know about the meaning of the call name. But at the end of the event, finally I can recognize well, what is actually the meaning.Then, in daily activity in PALAWA all of the members and seniors called me Patir for whole the day. But the unique fact is even though we don’t have activity in PALAWA, my friends always called me Patir, only certain people called me Geffin because they don’t have contact intensively with me. I have intention to tell this fact to my mom and dad so that they can feel what I feel, because I think it’s very interesting and funny fact as long as I live and study in Yogyakarta. Fortunately, my parents completely support me join in PALAWA and they are very happy when hear the fact, and command me to always develop my skills in every division in PALAWA. Actually, I am very happy about this one because I have new identity for my own self in Yogyakarta, and it signified that I can adapt fastly in the new environment and can interact with the new friends as well.

Larry A. Samovar, R. E. (2017). commuincation Between cultures.
Canada: Cengage Learning.

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