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Analisis Film Animasi "Anne Frank's Diary"

24 Mei 2024   10:07 Diperbarui: 24 Mei 2024   10:43 70
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Film. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Martin Lopez

Film Analysis
The analysis of Anne frank's diary movie (Animation Movie)
By Frisilia Utami
Tittle: Anne Frank's Diary
Director: Jullian Y.Wolff
Globe Trotter Network A.N Production Committee
Setting: Amsterdam, Holland June 1942- August 1944 (war time)

The analysis on some important points highlighted in this movie:
In this movie the idea of feminism is highlighted through the character of Anne Frank. Since she is portrayed as a young girl who always dares to speak up, express her opinions and ideas. She also comes up with the different and distinguished way of thinking. Women must give more  contribution to human life. Women can do so many great things more than by being only a silent, dilligent and obedient wife. Women shouldn't hide their feelings and thoughts and women must have freedom to explore the world and experience all the things that men do. Indeed, women have right to pursue their education and dreams. Her horizons and insight on women's rights go beyond the strict cultural tradition and the era of her generation.


  In this movie the romantization is strictly related to cultural, racial and religious values. Although Anne and Peter live in the Netherlands (western country)in which love is often connotated to sexual activity in clear and open portrayal. In fact, they can't show their love and affection openly and freely in front of their family since they are Jewish, their parents especially Anne's mom always warns Anne not to go far with Peter in the context of romantic affair they involve in while her dad always reminds Anne to focus on her education instead of love matter. Their love activity is limited indirectly by the cultural and religious values that their family stick to.

   Even more, Anne always believes that the love her dad has for his mom isn't such genuine and ideal one. It is just a healthy love that comes from the sake of pitiness. Sometimes Anne wonders that her parents are not really in love but they are just in need. Anne wants kind of love that can give her freedom to do what she wants to do, the love she is longing for is the one which can lead her to life exploration and wandering. The two different points of view on love matter show the different ways of thinking between two different generations : Anne's parents with conservative ways of thinking and Anne with more modern, open and free way of thinking

Humanity, freedom and peace

In this movie, the principle on humanity, freedom and peace is strongly glorified.  Nothing can give happiness more than peace and freedom do and that is why everyone no matter their racial, cultural and religious background have the same right and deserve to live in peace and freedom. This movie tries to show us that the idea of war only comes from the heart which is full of hatred, greed, anger and selfishness. War brings so much pain to  a lot of people, the real victims (the Jews), the third party (the Netherlands citizen whose dream is peace for everyone). People live in great suffer and pain not only physically but also  emotionally and physicologicaly because of war. From the Jews' glasses in this movie , they have no idea what on earth they have done which drive Nazi to the idea of genocide, killing all of them.


In this movie, issue on parenting is indirectly highlighted. Parents and children in many cases have different point of view in seeing the world. Forcing and controlling children to do what does not make a sense for them only create more distances between children and parents. It is shown that  parents sometimes need to give spaces for children to enjoy the freedom they have, let them choose what they want. It is shown with the bad relationship between Anne and her mom. Anne grows into a rebellious child because she doesn't like some of rules her mom sets which seem none sense for her. Apart from that, Anne parents 's too high expectations on morgot and anne, their obsession to make their kids "good girl" has given morgot emotional pain. She feels sorry for her miserable life because she has to live under the shadow of ideally good girl her parents want her to be. She is never happy with her life. Besides, in this movie it is shown that parents really play great role in shaping children's behaviour and characters. Children do often imitate the way how their parents speak and act. Therefore , it is necessary trying to be good example for children. Beside,  the healthy and unhealthy relationship  of parents can really affect children 's physicological development. Peter who often sees his parents arguing grows into an akward, silent and low-motivated young man. He also tends to avoid problem and hide his real feelings.


 Even during the war the Jews still prioritise their education. The Jews studens still attend in classes although the possibility for them to meet german soldiers in street is high. Furthermore , when Anne and vaan's family are forced to move to the hiding, they still have big interest in education. Anne always tells the members of the attic that she can't wait to come back to school after the war, morgot wants to study in medical faculty. Indeed, Frank and Van's family love reading books and listening to radio to get as much knowledge and information as possible. Anne and her sister are even encouraged to learn french and improve their writing skill in the hiding. There's no day they pass without reading books

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