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Endah Kurnia Wirawati
Endah Kurnia Wirawati Mohon Tunggu... Full Time Blogger - Digital Nomad Life

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Earth Melodies

26 Agustus 2013   13:30 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   08:48 40
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Here is the place where spring comes first in the world
From far stars to the ultimate heaven, the earth in the farther future.
The warm and calm sea reflects an ever-changing color of the sky.
The water of the river is ever so transparent as to be invisible.
Whereas creatures like fish live in it.

Silence is on the shore of the river, while water flows calmly.
Now calm and then wild. Now quiet and then loud.
It plays melodies and reading the music above in the sky.
Every harmony carries its own melody and verse.
The crown of flowers shining in the moonlight will come drifting in some time
Aurora is going to fade into the sky of dawn with a bright melody of silence.

Glows of aurora are creations of the harmony between the sun and the earth.
I turned my face and saw silvery pampas grasses moving, fluttering and waving all around
I came to see the water was more transparent than crystal
The air was flowing silently with ripples shinning in purple
With waves sparkling in rainbow colors
Drawing the silver bow to the full and going to release a blessing arrow of light

Come on the hill and you can have breeze from moon bow
Come in the woods and you can have a good hunting
Come in the air and you can have light from the moon
Come in the water and you can have the silent song from the universe

Because this is the melodies from the earth

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