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Henry Mohon Tunggu... Konsultan - Talks about #triplebottomline, #educationequality, #customerexperience, #sustainabilitystrategy, and #businesscontinuitymanagement

Beyond Imagination | Digital and Aviation Enthusiast | Passionate in Customer Experience and Sustainable Development |




Taste the Customer Experience

13 Mei 2011   10:36 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   05:45 77
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Waiting is something that most people in this world avoid of. Why? Because it is boring, can you imagine if you had to wait your wife at the beauty shop? Or if you are a woman, can you imagine if you had to wait for your husband when he was dealing with his car.

And another waiting experience I had was happened last month, when I was queuing to order my coffee at an American chain coffee shop s*****cks in Senayan, Jakarta. Handled by a young man, seeing how unskilled he was in handling transaction i was suspecting him as a trainee, well I won’t tell you the story about this young man, but basically what I would like to tell you is about the speed of their response as a feedback of massage i sent through my blackberry to the email address display on top of the transaction machine. I critized about the service given for my transaction that made me wait more than a normal I used to. Even I had to remind the staff there about my order.

You know what happened? They responsed my email in within of two hours with an explanation of action taken to the staff due to the critique I issued. Wow…I can say that I never had this fast speed of response (except from my customer care department... hehehe). And this is incredible; the response was directly handled by Operations Services Manager, and precisely mentioned the personnel nameand action that was taken. It means they were seriously taking care of the feedback sent to their mailbox.

To create a wow factor is simple and cheap. Reading to the Jeffrey Gitomer book’s Customer satisfaction is worthless, customer loyalty is priceless; it mentioned that the customer’s perception of good or bad service is the measure of your success or failure (at the end, customer perception is all that matter). The company managed to create a culture in their organization, they Get Real, Get Friendly, and the last is Get Wow.

Enjoy your coffee feel the taste…

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