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How Can I Live Without 'Mistakes'

14 November 2010   12:51 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   11:37 55
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I do really care about my family especially how to provide them with enough money, enough food, enough is enough. Actually I'd like to write about how to live without 'corruption' in this country that's very well known as corrupted country.
I'm not interesting at all about corruption eradication that's been going on and on without ending or solved or healed if we assumed that this country has been sick for a very a long time.
Corruption in this country is more than just a cancer or permanent disease, it's already take place as our body immune system. We need special medicine and special doctor teams.
It's not only a matter of law enforcement, but also need approach in other aspects such as social culture engineering, society behavior changes, family financial problems, etc.

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