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hai, nama saya Cindy Davina Amelia Silitonga. Saya mahasiswa dari President University, jurusan ilmu komunikasi, saya suka menulis dan membaca. dengan banyak membaca saya jadi tau banyak hal dan dengan menulis saya bisa menuangkan ide dan isi kepala saya dalam sebuah tulisan.




History of Heroes "Buya Hamka 2023"

1 Agustus 2023   04:06 Diperbarui: 2 Agustus 2023   15:39 52
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Film. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Martin Lopez

The movie Buya Hamka is directed by Fajar Bustomi. Actor Vino G Bastian portrays the figure of Buya Hamka. He acted with Laudya Chintya Bella, Dessy Ratnasari, Donny Damara, Reza Rahadian, Ayu Laksmi, Anjasmara, Yoriko Angeline, and many more.

This movie tells the life story of Buya Hamka, or Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah. Buya Hamka is a national hero, scholar, writer, journalist, and politician. His work in preaching is recognized by Muslims in Indonesia and scholars in the world. The five-minute 43-second movie trailer combines trailers from three parts of the movie. 

In the first volume of Buya Hamka's film, the period when Buya Hamka was on the Muhammadiyah board in Makassar is presented, until the organization experienced rapid progress. Hamka also began writing newspaper literature, and readers loved his romance stories. With his family, Hamka moved to Medan after being appointed editor-in-chief of Pedoman Masyarakat magazine. 

This position made Hamka clash with the interests of the Japanese colonizers, so his media had to be closed because it was considered dangerous. Hamka's family life was shaken when one of their children died of illness. Hamka's efforts to approach the Japanese were seen as sycophancy and antagonized, so Hamka was asked to resign from his position as Muhammadiyah administrator. 

Meanwhile, the second volume of the movie tells of Hamka's struggle after Indonesia proclaimed independence. At that time, Indonesia was still under the threat of a second aggression from the allied forces. Hamka traveled all over Medan to preach the importance of unity between the people, religious leaders, and the Indonesian military. The attempt resulted in Hamka being shot. 

Fortunately, Hamka survived. He eventually moved to Jakarta and founded Al-Azhar. However, Hamka was slandered as being involved in an attempted rebellion against Soekarno. He was arrested and tortured to sign a confession letter. 

Hamka survived and learned his lesson to write the most influential book in Islamic education, Tafsir Al-Azhar.In the third part of the movie, the audience is invited to follow Hamka's childhood until he grew up in Maninjau, West Sumatra. 

Since childhood Hamka has shown a great interest in tradition and literature, even considered neglecting his education at the pesantren. This made Hamka's father, Haji Rasul, unhappy. Hamka's dispute with his father escalated when his mother chose to divorce his father. So, Hamka decided to go to Mecca to study and make the pilgrimage on his own.

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