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Penulis Buku PERSOALAN KITA BELUM SELESAI!, 2021 | Pernah Belajar @Jurusan Islamic Philosophy ICAS-Paramadina, 2007 dan SPK VI CRCS UGM Yogyakarta, 2015



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Reading Corruptive Behavior from Sambo until Rector of The University of Lampung

9 September 2022   10:04 Diperbarui: 9 September 2022   10:07 221
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August 2022 is a month of happiness and joy for Indonesian people. The moment of the 77th independence celebration is seen in as a part of the party of Indonesian people, particularly from Sabang until Merauke. The red and white flag has been installed in the yard of every house. It has also flown in the courtyards of government and private institutions without exception. During the independent celebration some activities and a number of gemes are contested.

For at least the last two years people could not not see these annual activities and gemes  because of the pandemic Covid-19. Therefore, this year precisely in the month of August all elementer of society: children, teenagers, and adults mingle to celebrate the happiness without being limited to where they come from and what religion or belief they embrace. In the moment of August 17th, they become "independent" Indonesians that united by celebrating plurality as a nation without being afraid of the threat of the corona virus any more.

"Merdeka" according to the dictionary of Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) is defined as freedom from slavery, colonialism; independent, free, not bound, not dependent on certain people or parties. Portraits of their happiness when celebrating Independent Day  is a form of expression of freedom because this nation has been freed from the grip of colonialism for a long time. The physical and non-physical struggles of the founding fathers, heroes and people produced the positive results which we experience now as a free nation. We continue to express our gratitude and gratitude to God for their hard work. It is for their services that we can breathe the air of independence so that we can still stand tall until this moment.

Soekarno and his friends had a strong desire to be independent from the colonies of other nations. All means are taken so that international law recognizes the independence of Indonesia. Soekarno did not care about the condition of his people, the majority of whom were still stupid, poor and backward. At that time he adhered to the condition that a country is called independent if it has the people, the earth and the government. To educate people to be smart and develop their potensials are the duta of recent generation. By this ways the recent generation can use their human capital and natural resources for Indonesian people's prosperity as maximally as possible. These are as manifestation of young generation's responsibility to fulfill the Indonesian independent.

If looking back to the last struggle of Independence, Soekarno showed that the confidence of the Indonesian people in front of other nations could be found in one of his speeches in front of the people. He said: "We are a big nation, we are not a tempe nation. We will not beg, especially if the aids are bought with these conditions. It had better eat cassava but free from colonialism than eat bestik but to be a slave."

Freedom is an attitude other than mental. An independent nation is a nation that has a strong attitude and mentality to break away from any form of bondage of colonialism and imperialisme. One of the nation's children who has an independent attitude and mentality is Soe Hok Gie. He is an inspiration for today's youth.

In addition, when being an activist he was a student who had a prolific writer who diligently criticized the deviant policies of the Old Order regime. His writings are pithy, spread in several national newspapers in order to organically involve with the people. This young man was very brave even though he also had to surrender to die young. His attitude and idealism was illustrated in his book entitiled A Demonstrator's Note. In the book he wrote: "There are only two choices, to be apathetic or to go with the flow. But, I chose to be a free human!"

The celebration of independence carried out by Indonesian citizens on a massive scale with various competitions in August actually aims to commemorate the spirit of struggle of the founding fathers of the nation. From there, then the love for the homeland (nationalism) can be flourished and developed. The spirit of nationalism will be strong and steadfast if it is born from social solidarity motivated by the same ideology. That is Pancasila which respek to plurality.

Bung Karno once said "My struggle is easier because it is against the invaders, but your struggle will be more difficult because it is against your own nation." Bung Karno's statement did not miss the slightest. What we see and feel today is true. Colonization in this new form is called corruption that invades all sectors of beurocracy of life.

Corruptors are new invaders who rob people of money. The State Budget and Regional Budget are the objects of disbursement by officials in the executive, legislative and judicial branches. Just look at the latest data on KPK hand arrest operations (OTT) against several regional heads for the period January-August 2022, including: Mayor of Bekasi, Regent of North Penajam Paser, Regent of Langkat, Regent of Tabanan, Regent of Bogor, Mayor of Ambon, Former Mayor of Yogyakarta , Governor of Riau, and Regent of Pemalang (11/8/2022)

Obviously, they are enemies of the people, traitors to independence. In fact, it is in their hands that the people can taste the cake of independence with joy. The regional head has the mandate to bring his people into a situation and condition that is safe, peaceful, peaceful and fulfilled all their economic needs. Not the other way around.

It is enough for Greece to be an example for this nation to reflect. A great country, inhabited by gods and great thinkers (philosophers) of its time, now it is bankrupt due to the actions of its corrupt elite, abuse of authority (abus de droit) and abuse of power (abuse of power) until finally the people suffer. People have always been victims of elite behavior.

In addition to the corrupt behavior of regional heads, the condition of our country is also exacerbated by the selective behavior of law enforcement. Laws that run sharp downwards blunt downwards. The little people, here, have always been the object of sufferers. Such conditions greatly affect the public's perception of law enforcement officers.

The Executive Director of Indonesian Political Indicators, Burhanudin Muhtadi, said that the public's bad perception of law enforcement officers increased after the Sambo case that occurred on 8 July. The survey results show the public perception of law enforcement officers in early July or before the Sambo case was 25.8 percent. Meanwhile, in August the bad perception increased to 37.7 percent. The police are the most trusted institution by the public. As many as 26 percent of respondents do not trust the Police and 13.1 percent do not believe it at all (CNN Indonesia, 25/8/2022)

The evil and rotten scenario of the former Head of the Propam Police Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo and his subordinates, in the incident of the murder of his aide, Brigadier J, greatly tarnished the celebration of the 77th independence of the Republic of Indonesia. He gave a bitter gift for the institution. Where is the human conscience? Where is the integrity of the police as protectors, protectors and servants of the people? Seeing his depraved behavior, it seems that he is not an exemplary police general of the people. More precisely, he is an enemy to his institutions as well as a common enemy to the Indonesian people.

Another case that embarrassed the institution was the rector of Unila (the University of Lampung), Karomani, who was suspected of accepting bribes totaling Rp. 7.5 billion related to the admission of new students ( 21/8/2022). Educational institutions are actually far from matters of corruption, collusion and nepotism. At school or campus we are taught by teachers or lecturers about ethics, norms and morals, in addition to science.

Unmitigated Karomani's commendable behavior, which is far from norms and religion, is assisted by the Deputy Head for Academic Affairs, the Chair of the Senate and others who are actually a collection of people who have knowledge (academics) and high positions. An extraordinary systematic conspiracy motivated by material libido and wealth.

Their reason and morals are thrown to the lowest point. Totally uncivilized, far from educational values. If the rector and other campus officials such as lecturers, Kajur, deans, chairmen of the senate behave like this, what will happen to the nation's assets, the future successors of this country? Disband this country if educational institutions are managed by humans like that. Who is in charge? How about other campuses? Is there a similar behavior carried out by other rectors?

The portrait of the disgraceful and uncivilized behavior above were mentioned by Mochtar Lubis long before. In his cultural speech, Indonesian Man: An Accountability, (06/04/1977) Lubis said: "The mentality of Indonesian people tends to be hypocritical, the main characteristics of which are pretending, different in front, different behind, different in other words in the heart. In short, Indonesian people are people who like to lie and pawn their true beliefs."

Mochtar Lubis's very harsh and striking reading of the Indonesian mentality above should be read by today's Indonesian people as a turning point to change the negative mental image of Indonesian people for the better. Indonesian people who love their homeland can be sure that every behavior will uphold the commitment to the nation and the state, for example by implementing the values of nationalism and implementing anti-corruption values in their daily lives wherever they are, wherever they work.

Finally, let uscelebrate this independence by continuing to commit ourselves not to corruption, not tyrannizing our subordinates, not working together to find opportunities in the hardships of others. Give our best for the 77th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Long live our country!

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