Mohon tunggu...
Beatrixfranscya Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Undergraduate International Relations Student at Diponegoro University

A confident and high-motivated International Relations Undergraduate Student at Diponegoro University. She is a creative, passionate, and hardworking person who love to try something new that would improve herself. She has a good time management and very organized that made her work well under pressure. Meeting and learning from new people sparks joy and enthusiasm for her. Also she works well as a team or alone. One of her big interest is Public Relations, as seen in her past experiences in work and organizations. She aim to create better version of herself for others.



Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Mahasiswa KKN UNDIP Ajak UMKM Ramah Lingkungan, Ganti Plastik Sekali Pakai dengan Bioplastic

3 Agustus 2021   14:17 Diperbarui: 3 Agustus 2021   15:21 325
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Sosialisasi kepada UMKM & Distribusi Plastik Berbahan Dasar Singkong (Bioplastic)  (dokpri)

Sosialisasi kepada UMKM & Distribusi Plastik Berbahan Dasar Singkong (Bioplastic)  (dokpri)
Sosialisasi kepada UMKM & Distribusi Plastik Berbahan Dasar Singkong (Bioplastic)  (dokpri)

Sosialisasi kepada UMKM & Distribusi Plastik Berbahan Dasar Singkong (Bioplastic)  (dokpri)
Sosialisasi kepada UMKM & Distribusi Plastik Berbahan Dasar Singkong (Bioplastic)  (dokpri)

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