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Review "The Jarkoni Movie" IAIN Surakarta

12 Maret 2018   18:00 Diperbarui: 12 Maret 2018   18:08 1028
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The Jarkoni is an advice movie with a little bit humor there. It produces by Diamond Picture. The director is A. Falih, an English Department student in IAIN Surakarta. Falih as a director takes the characters from his friends. This movie is one of the Fairy Sale V products in FITK (Islamic Education and Teachers Training Faculty) of IAIN Surakarta.

The story of this movie is talk about the teacher who teaches a senior high school, his name is Jarkoni. Jarkoni is a new teacher in a private senior high school in Surakarta. In short, he moves from that school because there is an accident that happens to him. He moves from a private senior high school in Surakarta into a state senior high school in a village. Jarkoni becomes a professional teacher there, he learns from his mistakes before. In the end of the story, Jarkoni married with Mrs.Aisyah, one of the woman teacher there and becomes a headmaster there.

From that story we know that the plot of the story is talk about the teacher's journey. Of course, it appropriates with their major, English Department. Although, it does not show that this movie is totally perfect. There are some parts that make the viewers feel bored and miss that part. Their strategy to deliver the message and their techniques to make a movie looks perfect is less perfect. After we watched this movie, we analyzed some parts of this movie that miss and reviewed this movie well.

It starts from the characters. The Jarkoni movie has many characters there. This is the list of the characters in The Jarkoni's movie:

1.M. Sidik. P as Mr.Jarkoni

2.Ony. D as Sardi

3.Apriliana as Mrs. Aisyah

4.Aqilah as Paijah

5.Arung. P as Ninuk

6.Ratih. A as Sari

7.Fitriani as Sardi's Mom

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