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Arizah Araf
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Basic Copywriting for Business Actors

29 November 2022   03:49 Diperbarui: 29 November 2022   04:04 116
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Pendidikan. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/McElspeth

How Often Do You Feel Insecure with Your Weight? (Attention)
Based on research from X, 8 out of 10 millennials feel insecure because of their less-than-ideal weight. (Interest)
Try to imagine and feel: what if you could escape the feeling of being insecure and appear more confident? (Desire)
Click the link below to find out more! (Action)

- PPPP (Pain, Promise, Proof, Push)

It's hard to make an ad? (Pain)
Do you want me to teach you how to copywrite without getting dizzy? (Promise)
17000 digital marketers like you have already looked at it. (Proof )
Instead of getting more curious, let's DM me. (Push)

BAB (Before, After, Bridge)

Before: The condition of your previous target market
After: The result or condition that your target market wants.
Bridge: How do they get to the conditions they want?

PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solution)

Problem: You pointed out the problem they had.
Agitate: You're raising the problems they have.
Solution: You provide a solution to the problem they have.
Why, What, How, and What If?


And the existence of "covert selling," which is how to sell without being seen doing so, Of course, by applying the law, such as by giving a curious effect, not making direct offers, using no command sentences, using cellphone numbers and prices, and using ambiguous words. In principle, good copywriting aims to make the product or service you offer to consumers look more appealing.

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