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Travel Story

Exploring Indonesian Natural Wonders: Hidden Destination We Must Visit

23 Mei 2024   18:26 Diperbarui: 23 Mei 2024   18:29 61
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Indonesia has millions of natural secrets spread across the world from Sabang to Merauke. Of the many places, this is the Hidden Gem tourist spot that not many people know about. Among the endless hustle and bustle of urban areas, Indonesia has a million natural beauties that can be explored. This hidden destination is a haven for amazing biodiversity and unspoiled natural beauty. 

Not many of us know about hidden places in Indonesia. And as Indonesian citizens, we must continue to be able to protect and preserve the wealth that Indonesia has in terms of nature. Let's explore this country, explore Indonesian destinations full of natural wonders. And Hidden Gem is a term to describe something that is not widely known but has extraordinary value and potential. This term rejects tourist attractions and natural resources that are hidden and unknown to most of the public. So let's start getting to know Indonesia.

        First place that we will discuss is Sendang Gile Waterfall, in Lombok. Sendang Gile waterfall is located in Senaru village. This object still in the mouth Rinjani National Park area. To get this place, visitors have to go through two hundred steps that reach a height of 40 meters, and a hollow bridge through a valley that takes around 15 minutes to explore. Next destination is, Kakaban Island. It has an area of 774,2 hectares and is located in Derawan Island, East Kalimantan. This island is a circular rock and has a lagoon. 

This lake was designated as a world heritage area in 2004 by UNESCO. This object can be reached in around 45 minutes form Derawan Island. Last destination that we will discuss is Kali Biru. Kali Biru is located in Warsambin Village, Raja Ampat. To get to this destination, visitors must rent a boat from local resident. The distance by boat is about 15 minutes. The water surface around the island group is so clear that we can see by naked eye. The natural coral reefs and hundreds of types of fish of various shapes under our boat.

        After we see Indonesia’s natural wealth, we as human with full awareness must protect natural culture. It is not easy for us to maintain and preserve it, and many people in Indonesia are also less aware of this sustainability. There are several tips for protecting this natural environment. In order for the potential for natural tourism to develop, it is best to actively promote it in social media. Currently, many tourist attractions are trending because the places are so nice. 

And the next step is reducing the use of plastic. If we do that, it means we are taking part in saving the environment. But the important thing in protecting the environment or tourist attractions is to remind each other to preserve them. Because many people are not yet aware of cleanliness. If we care about nature, then we preserve our culture and tourist attractions naturally.

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