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Anna TohPeiWah
Anna TohPeiWah Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - FKH IPB

Future veterinarian



Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Pet Vaccination Awareness Talk

28 Agustus 2022   08:30 Diperbarui: 28 Agustus 2022   09:20 186
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On the 16th of July 2022, a student from Bogor Agricultural University who was taking part in the community service program KKNT, group Malaysia-07, discussed the importance of vaccinating pets with the younger people who lived in Pantai Klebang Besar, which is located in Melaka.

There were 30 people in attendance at the session, and the response was so encouraging that the bulk of the attendees brought their pets to get vaccinated after the presentation had concluded. 

The purpose of this seminar is to raise the audience's level of understanding of vaccination and to encourage them to vaccinate their pets. The elderly generation in the majority of Melaka still holds to conventional attitudes regarding vaccination, such as the belief that the animal will change its behavior after being immunized and that its lifetime will decrease as a result. 

On the other hand, the audience is provided with information about the advantages of vaccinations throughout this presentation, which disproves the conventional wisdom held by older generations.

In addition, information regarding the potential adverse effects of vaccinations, such as fever, diarrhea, and an increased probability of an allergic reaction, was presented to the audience. In addition, the audience was informed about the method for receiving vaccinations, such as how they should refrain from taking a shower for at least one week after receiving the immunization. It was recommended that the animals receive treatment for both internal and external parasites at the same time in order to facilitate a healthy existence for the animals.

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