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Trend Mix and Match Colors

9 Mei 2023   14:28 Diperbarui: 9 Mei 2023   14:35 44
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Color selection strategy To make your style more varied, we can use a color selection strategy with the basic rules on the color wheel. There are several basic rules for the color wheel, 4 of which are Analogous, Monochromatic, Complementary, and Triadic. If you are still too afraid to use color combinations that 'crash', you can start by using an analogous color combination strategy or Discussion about mix and match colors, in recent times many people have many different fashion tastes, starting with bright colors towards a dark color. There are many ways that we can use to maximize our appearance, there are already many tutors available on social media and we can easily access them.

Finding color combinations for clothes is sometimes a challenge for many people. Often we spend quite a long time to find a style that fits and looks good for us to wear. Not infrequently too, we have spent all night to prepare the appearance, it turns out that the results are not as desired

There may be several factors that make your appearance less than optimal, apart from the lack of a collection of fashion items, you may often run out of ideas or feel unsure about mixing and matching your clothing collection. To fix this, we can, you know, use the color wheel to direct or mix and match the colors on our clothes!
monochromatic to make you more comfortable in appearance. Especially in formal events, you can stick to a safe style.

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