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Gaya Hidup

A System

18 Desember 2015   12:45 Diperbarui: 18 Desember 2015   12:45 11
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Gaya Hidup. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Rawpixel

What does make a community success or in damage? The answer is the system.
Who does control a system? The answer is the principle.
Who does create a principle? The answer is the understanding.
What kind of understanding is that? It is a truth or wickedness.

This is the idea of a system circle:
1. Truth –> Understanding –> Principle –> System ==> Succesfulness and Welfare ==> Truth –> Understanding –> Principle –> System ==> cycle...
2. Wickedness –> Understanding –> Principle –> System ==> Failure and Destruction ==> Wickedness –> Understanding –> Principle –> System ==> cycle...

A System

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