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Amelia Nurjihaan
Amelia Nurjihaan Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - mahasiswa

I'm a second-year student at one of the universities in Semarang. As an active student, I follow the organization of assemblies to add experience. and as long as I attend the assembly of majors, I am in the division of advocacy and household. in that division with the program of work that has been completed I am active in the field of design. I already have progress in terms of design and here I will learn for new writing experience.



Ilmu Sosbud

Decrease in Air Quality

12 Desember 2023   19:20 Diperbarui: 12 Desember 2023   19:39 21
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Indonesia is ranked 17th as a country with poor air quality. Air pollution that occurs has many negative impacts on health, including respiratory problems, heart or lung disease, decreased function of body organs, reproductive disorders, and even hypertension. However, public awareness of the causes is still low. The causes of air pollution are human factors such as burning rubbish, motor vehicle fumes, industrial fumes, and many other factors. efforts to reduce air pollution with small things that have a big impact, namely by reducing the use of motorized vehicles by switching to using public transportation. Use a fan to replace the AC. choosing to bury the rubbish rather than burning the rubbish, which causes black smoke. Even though these are small things that we can do, they can help reduce the level of air pollution in our environment.

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