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Aryoputro Nugroho
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I.N.T.P (Introvert Thinking Perceiving) - Scorpio - Mediator ADR - Video Gamer - Diver - Tarot Reader - Astrologist - Kejawen Blood - Music Junkie - a Husband - A soul in a Journey




Practical Law of Attraction (for Jakartans)

31 Maret 2015   16:36 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   08:44 22
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For those of you who believe or currently implementing The Law of Attraction :

All people can actually Manifest their wishes and dreams by this certain positive affirmation by self saying and visualisation for being abundance. But what some people still forget is when they spell this affirmation it is however very important for the person to be in a High Frequency level of consciousness..doesnt mean that you cant do that in a Low Frequency Manner..Sure it can

Then what is aHigh Frequency level of consiousness ?it is a Synchronic state of mind and emotion where the person experiencing a state of Joy or experiencing being bliss from the inside. By being bliss all the Visions, Peace, Energy and the Attraction that came from the outside can be automaticaly created. By being bliss, you can follow the trail to Abundance then you can be success in all area. Great isnt it ? but the challenge far or how consistent you are in Managing your Bliss ? in reality it wasnt that easy..Dear Jakartans how can you be at Joy when you have to struggle yourself in a minimum of 1 hour Traffic Everyday ? How can you be at High Frequency state but you have a very slight money in your wallet or bank account ? etc..

From this thought i just want to remind you that Law of Attraction is not that easy and is not that difficult if you can understand the system and yourself..until you can understand what was really the obstacles from the inside and the outside. lets be practical in fulfilling all of our wishes

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